Last Updated on : 2024-01-18 07:23:53download
This topic describes the device state monitoring and regular health checks. The framework will inform the application of any anomalies detected on the device. The application then executes the designated actions. For example, it can send alerts to stakeholders or perform automatic repairs, such as reset. Health monitoring is essential for ensuring the reliability and stability of your services.
Regularly query key metrics such as memory usage and queue depth.
Monitor anomalies and errors, such as HTTP API call errors.
The event-based monitoring will subscribe to a public event ID using the framework’s event service. This event will be published when an exception occurs, with the input parameter being the index of the monitoring metric.
#define EVENT_HEALTH_ALERT "health.alert" // Public event ID for health monitoring
The framework comes with metrics for system health monitoring to check if the framework runs properly. When you call the health monitoring initialization API, these metrics will be automatically added to the monitoring list.
Macro definition | Metrics | Type | Exception count (threshold) |
Monitoring period (seconds) | Exception | Exception handling |
Free memory | Query | 1 | 600 | Memory less than 8 KB | Restart the device |
The maximum memory that can be requested at a time | Query | 1 | 600 | / | / |
Access to cloud API denied | Event | 5 | / | / | / |
Sign error in access to cloud API | Event | 5 | / | / | / |
Queue depth | Query | 1 | 600 | Queue depth exceeds 50 | Print system queue information for troubleshooting |
Number of message queues | Query | 1 | 600 | Queue depth exceeds 50 | Print message queue information for troubleshooting |
Number of software timers | Query | 1 | 600 | The number exceeds 100 | / |
Feeding the watchdog | Query | 0 | 20 | / | / |
Report real-time device status to the cloud: timestamp, daylight saving time, free memory, and signal strength. |
Query | 0 | 3,600 | / | / |
The framework will call the API for health monitoring initialization during system service initialization. The query and notification callbacks will be automatically registered and handled accordingly. In other words, you only need to call the system service initialization API.
To manage custom metrics, call the respective API to add, delete, or update metrics.
Create a thread for health monitoring and register the health metrics. This API will be called during system service initialization.
* @brief devos health init function
* @return OPRT_OK on success. Others on error, please refer to tuya_error_code.h
INT_T tuya_devos_health_init_and_start();
typedef VOID (*health_notify_cb)();
typedef BOOL_T(*health_query_cb)();
* @brief add health item
* @param[in] threshold: the threshold
* @param[in] period: the period
* @param[in] query: query cb
* @param[in] notify: notify cb
* @return type id, success when large than 0,others failed
INT_T tuya_devos_add_health_item(UINT_T threshold,UINT_T period,health_query_cb query,health_notify_cb notify);
* @brief delete health item
* @param[in] type: the type
VOID tuya_devos_delete_health_item(INT_T type);
* @brief update health item period
* @param[in] type: the type
* @param[in] period: the period
VOID tuya_devos_update_health_item_period(INT_T type,UINT_T period);
* @brief update health item threshold
* @param[in] type: the type
* @param[in] threshold: the threshold
VOID tuya_devos_update_health_item_threshold(INT_T type,UINT_T threshold);
in TuyaOS example collection contains the complete example code.
It has the highest priority THREAD_PRIO_0
You schedule watchdog feeding and runtime log uploading.
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