Bluetooth + X

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 10:13:14download

This topic describes the Bluetooth + X capability.


A typical Tuya-enabled Bluetooth device communicates with the cloud solely through the Bluetooth channel.

With the Bluetooth + X capability enabled, where X is an extension module like Wi-Fi, Cat.1, or NB-IoT, the device continues to use Bluetooth for pairing and control when not connected to an X module. When connected to an X module, the device can communicate with the cloud either over Bluetooth or through the X channel once it activates the X module via Bluetooth.

Data structure


typedef struct{
    uint8_t *p_data;    /**< ext module active data. */
    uint16_t data_len;  /**< active data length. */
} tuya_ble_ext_module_active_data_t;
  • p_data: The pointer to the information used to activate the extension module.
  • data_len: The length of the information used to activate the extension module.

API description

Macro configuration

Dependency None
Description Enable Bluetooth + X:
Disable Bluetooth + X:

Report extension module information

Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_ext_module_info_asynchronous_response(uint8_t *p_data, uint32_t len);
Description Respond with the extension module information asynchronously or report it proactively.
Parameter description p_data[in]: The pointer to the extension module information.
len[in]: The length of the extension module information.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: Success.
TUYA_BLE_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: Invalid parameter.
TUYA_BLE_ERR_NO_MEM: Failed to request memory allocation.
TUYA_BLE_ERR_NO_EVENT: Other errors.
Notes When the mobile app requests extension module information, the Bluetooth device can respond with the corresponding information.
Or, the Bluetooth device proactively reports extension module information when changes occur.
See the data format description below.

Callback for querying extension module information

Data structure None.
Description The mobile app requests extension module information.
Notes The Bluetooth device assembles data in the specified format and sends it to the mobile app by reporting extension module information.

Format for extension module information:

inc_em_info emt_type N_TLD TLD1 TLDn
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 + 2 + n bytes 1 + 2 + n bytes
  • inc_em_info: Specify whether extension module information is included. 0x01: Included. 0x00: Not included.

  • emt_type: The type of the extension module.

    • 0x01: NB-IoT module
    • 0x02: Wi-Fi module
    • 0x03: Cat.1 module
    • 0x04: Zigbee module
  • N_TLD: The number of TLD data units.

  • TLD: The data unit.

    • Type (1 byte): The type.
    • Length (2 bytes): The length of the data.
    • Data: The payload. See the following table.
  • TLD 0x01 for extension module information

    Type Length Data
    0x01 When emt_type is NB-IoT module, the device information in JSON format is

    pv: The protocol version, in string.
    bv: The baseline version, in string.
    sv: The firmware version, in string.
    i: The IMEI of the device, in string.
    h: The heartbeat time, in integer. Unit: seconds.
    opt: The APN, in integer. opt is used to map the carrier. 0: China Telecom. 0: China Unicom. 1: China Mobile. 2: Directly connected to the Tuya Cloud.

    When emt_type is Wi-Fi module, there is no need to include device information
    because the module will report it upon activation.

    When emt_type is Cat.1 module, there is no need to include device information
    because the module will report it upon activation.
  • TLD 0x02 for the presence status of the extension module

    Type Length Data
    0x02 0x01 0x00: The extension module is ejected.
    0x01: The extension module is installed.
  • TLD 0x03 for channel priority

    Type Length Data
    0x03 A priority is represented by one byte, with the order indicating priority from high to low. For example, if the priority is defined as Bluetooth Low Energy > MQTT, the data will be 0x03, 0x01.
    0x00: LAN
    0x01: MQTT
    0x02: HTTP
    0x03: Bluetooth Low Energy
    0x04: Bluetooth mesh
    0x05: Tuya proprietary mesh
    0x06: Beacon
  • TLD 0x04 for OTA priority (not used)

  • TLD 0x05 for the binding status of the extension module

    Type Length Data
    0x05 0x01 0x00: The extension module is not bound.
    0x01: The extension module is bound.
  • TLD 0x06 for OTA channel and version (not used)

  • TLD 0x07 for the flag of passive/proactive data reporting

    Type Length Data
    0x07 0x01
    0x00: The device reports data passively in response to a status query.
    0x01: The device proactively reports data. The mobile app does not acknowledge the receipt of proactive reporting.

When the extension module is Wi-Fi or Cat.1, its information will be reported upon activation. The Bluetooth device synchronizes with the mobile app regarding the presence of the extension module, binding status, and channel priority.

See tal_feature_ext_module and tal_ble_x_demo.c for examples of the extension module information returned.

Callback for receiving activation information

Data structure tuya_ble_ext_module_active_data_t
Description The device receives the activation information for the extension module from the mobile app.

The data format for the activation information:

emt_type TLD
1 byte 1 + 2 + n bytes
  • emt_type: The type of the extension module.

    • 0x01: NB-IoT module
    • 0x02: Wi-Fi module
    • 0x03: Cat.1 module
    • 0x04: Zigbee module
  • TLD: The data unit.

    • Type (1 byte): The type.
    • Length (2 bytes): The length of the data.
    • Data: The payload. See the following table.
  • When emt_type is NB-IoT module, the TLD definition is:

    Type Length Data
    0x01 A JSON string, including devID and secKey:
  • When emt_type is Wi-Fi or Cat.1 module, the TLD definition is:

    Type Length Data
    0x01 A JSON string, including devID, secKey, and localKey, which matches the one stored in the cloud and is passed in raw format through the mobile app and Bluetooth:
  • When emt_type is Zigbee module, the TLD definition is:

    Type Length Data
    0x01 PAN: 2 bytes.
    exPAN: 8 bytes.
    Channel: 1 byte.
    net key: 16 bytes.

How to use

Sequence diagram

ApplicationX ModuleTuya Bluetooth LESDKMobile AppCloudConnected to Tuya Bluetooth LERequest device information.TUYA_BLE_CB_EVT_QUERY_EXT_MODULE_DEV_INFOGet the device information from the X module.tuya_ble_ext_module_info_asynchronous_response()Return device information.Report device information.Return activation information.Send activation information.TUYA_BLE_CB_EVT_EXT_MODULE_ACTIVE_INFO_RECEIVEDRespond to activationinformation.Send activation information to Xmodule.Activation succeeds.opt[X module exists.]ApplicationX ModuleTuya Bluetooth LESDKMobile AppCloud

Callback event processing

STATIC VOID_T tuya_ble_protocol_callback(tuya_ble_cb_evt_param_t* event)
        } break;
        } break;

Code files

├── include
│   ├── tal_ble_x_demo.h
│   └── tal_feature_ext_module.h
└── src
    ├── tal_ble_x_demo.c
    └── tal_feature_ext_module.c

Things to note

  • To support the full Bluetooth + X feature, you need to implement the required capabilities on both the Bluetooth device and the X module. Before using the full Bluetooth + X feature, verify with the product manager or developer if the X module is compatible.
  • The Bluetooth + X capability allows for activating the X module via Bluetooth. This covers neither the activation process between the Bluetooth and X modules nor data exchange for DP or OTA through the X channel. To implement these features, you need to add the code for Bluetooth and X module interaction in your project.

Support and help

If you have any problems with TuyaOS development, you can post your questions in the Tuya Developer Forum.