Weather Service

Last Updated on : 2024-02-23 08:05:16download

Weather service enables Bluetooth sub-devices to get required weather data from the cloud through mobile apps. This topic describes concepts, API descriptions, and usage methods.



Provides a capability that allows Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) devices, through communication with the Tuya Smart app, to easily get weather information from the cloud, and use it for display or other related features. This provides users with convenient weather services and makes Bluetooth LE devices more functional and useful. For more information on currently available weather types, applicability inside and outside mainland China, and support for forecasts and other parameters, see Appendix 2: Weather service parameters. The following figure shows the main process.

Bluetooth LE DeviceMobile AppCloudRequest weather data1Get the weather data2Return the result3Return response to the request (0: success, 1: failure)4Return the weather data5Parse the data andapply6opt[If the response issuccessful]Bluetooth LE DeviceMobile AppCloud

Positioning and location

In order to get accurate weather data, users should grant location permissions to the Tuya Smart app. Two types of location information are currently available:

  • Pairing location: The latitude and longitude information bound with the specified device when it is paired with the app.
  • Current location of the phone: The current latitude and longitude information of the specified phone. That is, get the weather data of the current location where the phone is located. It is recommended to use the current location of the phone.

Data structure


/**@brief    Weather key type. */
typedef enum {
    WKT_TEMP        = (1 << 0),     /**< temperature. */
    WKT_THIHG       = (1 << 1),     /**< high temperature. */
    WKT_TLOW        = (1 << 2),     /**< low temperature. */
    WKT_HUMIDITY    = (1 << 3),     /**< humidity. */
    WKT_CONDITION   = (1 << 4),     /**< weather condition. */
    WKT_PRESSURE    = (1 << 5),     /**< pressure. */
    WKT_REALFEEL    = (1 << 6),     /**< sensible temperature. */
    WKT_UVI         = (1 << 7),     /**< uvi. */
    WKT_SUNRISE     = (1 << 8),     /**< sunrise. */
    WKT_SUNSET      = (1 << 9),     /**< sunset. */
    WKT_UNIX        = (1 << 10),    /**< Unix time, used with sunrise and sunset. */
    WKT_LOCAL       = (1 << 11),    /**< local time, used with sunrise and sunset. */
    WKT_WINDSPEED   = (1 << 12),    /**< wind speed. */
    WKT_WINDDIR     = (1 << 13),    /**< wind direction. */
    WKT_WINDLEVEL   = (1 << 14),    /**< wind speed scale/level. */
    WKT_AQI         = (1 << 15),    /**< aqi. */
    WKT_TIPS        = (1 << 16),    /**< tips. */
    WKT_RANK        = (1 << 17),    /**< detailed AQI status and national ranking. */
    WKT_PM10        = (1 << 18),    /**< pm10. */
    WKT_PM25        = (1 << 19),    /**< pm2.5. */
    WKT_O3          = (1 << 20),    /**< o3. */
    WKT_NO2         = (1 << 21),    /**< no2. */
    WKT_CO          = (1 << 22),    /**< co. */
    WKT_SO2         = (1 << 23),    /**< so2. */
    WKT_CONDITIONNUM= (1 << 24),    /**< weather condition mapping ID. */
} tuya_ble_weather_key_type_t;

Enumerate and define the supported weather types, where each bit corresponds to a weather type. For more information, see the definitions above.


/**@brief   Data structure to be called back to the application. */
typedef struct {
    UINT16_T object_count;    /**< weather data object counts. */
    UINT8_T location;         /**< location. */
    UINT8_T *p_data;          /**< weather data. For details, refer to tuya_ble_wd_object_t. */
    UINT16_T data_len;        /**< weather data length. */

/**@brief   Weather data object structure. */
 #pragma pack(1)
typedef struct {
    UINT8_T                         n_day;      /**< the specified day. */
    tuya_ble_weather_key_type_t     key_type;   /**< weather key type. */
    tuya_ble_weather_value_type_t   val_type;   /**< weather value type. */
    UINT8_T                         value_len;  /**< weather value length. */
    CHAR_T                          vaule[];    /**< weather values. */
} tuya_ble_wd_object_t;
#pragma pack()

When a request for weather data is successful, the mobile app returns the weather data. The SDK will combine it into the tuya_ble_weather_data_received_data_t data structure in a specified format and send callback events to the application layer. The application can parse the weather data in the above format, where p_data stores specific weather data of N tuya_ble_wd_object_t data types.

API description

Weather capability macro configuration


Request weather data — phone’s current location

API description

Get weather data for the phone’s current location. You can combine weather types and the number of days requested as you like.

 * @brief Function for requesting weather data. By default, request the current location of the mobile phone.
 * @param[in] combine_type: Request combination types. For details, see the enum of tuya_ble_weather_key_type_t
 * @param[in] n_days: Request forecast days, ranging from [1-7]; 1-means only today, 2-means today+tomorrow …
 * @return TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS on success. Others on error, please refer to tuya_ble_status_t
 * @note Example 1: Request temperature & humidity for two days: tuya_ble_feature_weather_data_request((WKT_TEMP | WKT_HUMIDITY), 2)
 *       Example 2: Request sunrise date & time for one day: tuya_ble_feature_weather_data_request((WKT_SUNRISE | WKT_LOCAL), 1)
 *       Example 3: Request the highest temperature for seven days: tuya_ble_feature_weather_data_request((WKT_THIHG), 7)
 *       In addition, the request for sunrise/sunset must match WKT_UNIX/WKT_LOCAL, otherwise the received data is Unix time
tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_feature_weather_data_request(UINT32_T combine_type, UINT8_T n_days);


Parameters Description
combine_type The requested weather type, which can be combined. For detailed definitions, see Appendix 1: Enumeration of weather service types.
For example, to request temperature + humidity, use the type WKT_TEMP + WKT_HUMIDITY.
For example, to request wind speed + PM10 + UV, use the type WKT_WINDSPEED + WKT_PM10 + WKT_UVI.
Note: The request for sunrise/sunset time must be used in conjunction with the time format. For example, to request the sunrise time in GMT, use WKT_SUNRISE + WKT_UNIX.
n_days The number of days requested, ranging from 1 to 7.
  • 1: Request the data for the current day.
  • 2 to 7: Request the data for today and the next n-1 days.

Request weather data — specified location

API description

Get weather data for the specified location. You can combine weather types and the number of days requested as you like.

 * @brief Function for requesting weather data with the specified location.
 * @param[in] location_type: Request location types. For details, see the enum of tuya_ble_weather_location_type_t.
 * @param[in] combine_type: Request combination types. For details, see the enum of tuya_ble_weather_key_type_t
 * @param[in] n_days: Request forecast days, ranging from [1-7]; 1-means only today, 2-means today+tomorrow ...
 * @return TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS on success. Others on error, please refer to tuya_ble_status_t
tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_feature_weather_data_request_with_location(tuya_ble_weather_location_type_t location_type, UINT32_T combine_type, UINT8_T n_days);


Parameters Description
location_type The type of the requested location. Valid values:
  • WLT_PAIR_NETWORK_LOCATION: The location where the device is paired.
  • WLT_APP_CURRENT_LOCATION: The current location of the phone.
combine_type The requested weather type, which can be combined. For detailed definitions, see Appendix 1: Enumeration of weather service types.
n_days The number of days requested, ranging from 1 to 7.
  • 1: Request the data for the current day.
  • 2 to 7: Request the data for today and the next n-1 days.

Callback event — response to the request


Data structure typedef struct {
UINT8_T status; //!< 0-success, 1-failed
} tuya_ble_weather_data_req_response_t;
Description After the device calls the request API, the mobile app responds to the request and informs the device of the request result.
Notes Call the request API on demand. If the API is called frequently, the mobile app will limit the calls and return failure.

Callback event — weather data


Data structure typedef struct {
UINT16_T object_count; //!< weather data object counts.
UINT8_T location; //!< location.
UINT8_T *p_data; //!< weather data.
UINT16_T data_len; //!< weather data length.
} tuya_ble_weather_data_received_data_t;

  • object_count: Indicates how many pieces of weather data there are under p_data.
  • location: The value of the requested location.
  • p_data: The weather data. For more information about the format, see tuya_ble_wd_object_t.
  • data_len: The length of the weather data.
Description The mobile app gets the requested weather data from the cloud and returns it to the device.

How to use

Communication process

Weather Service

Code development

  1. Enable the weather service component in app_config.h and enable the corresponding macro configuration.

  2. Add code to request the weather data. This is just an example.

    // Example 1: Request temperature & humidity for two days.
    tuya_ble_feature_weather_data_request((WKT_TEMP | WKT_HUMIDITY), 2);
    // Example 2: Request sunrise date & time for one day.
     tuya_ble_feature_weather_data_request((WKT_SUNRISE | WKT_LOCAL), 1);
    // Example 3: Request the highest temperature for seven days.
     tuya_ble_feature_weather_data_request((WKT_THIHG), 7);
    // Example 4: Request temperature & humidity for two days, and the location is where pairing is implemented.
     tuya_ble_feature_weather_data_request_with_location(WLT_PAIR_NETWORK_LOCATION, (WKT_TEMP | WKT_HUMIDITY), 2);
  3. Add the following snippet in the callback event handler function of tuya_ble_protocol_callback.c to implement the basic functionality. If the test function TUYA_SDK_TEST is enabled, this code is active. Each API used in the code is described in the API documentation.

    #include "tuya_ble_weather.h"
    STATIC VOID_T tuya_ble_protocol_callback(tuya_ble_cb_evt_param_t* event)
        switch(event->evt) {
                TAL_PR_INFO("received weather data request response result code = %d", event->weather_req_response_data.status);
            } break;
                tuya_ble_wd_object_t *object;
                UINT16_T object_len = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    object = (tuya_ble_wd_object_t *)(event->weather_received_data.p_data + object_len);
                    TAL_PR_DEBUG("recvived weather data, n_days = [%d] key = [0x%08x] val_type = [%d] val_len = [%d]", \
                                    object->n_day, object->key_type, object->val_type, object->value_len);
                    TAL_PR_HEXDUMP_INFO("vaule :", (UINT8_T *)object->vaule, object->value_len);
                    // Todo
                    object_len += (SIZEOF(tuya_ble_wd_object_t) + object->value_len);
                    if (object_len >= event->weather_received_data.data_len)
            } break;

Functional testing


  • You have installed the Tuya Smart app on your phone and granted location permissions to the app.
  • Your device has been paired.


Communicate with the mobile app using a host that simulates a real device.

For information on how to modify weather parameters and their relationships, see Appendix 1: Enumeration of weather service types.

Weather Service

If you have any problems with host usage, see Logic Host User Guide.

Support and help

If you have any problems with TuyaOS development, you can post your questions in the Tuya Developer Forum.

Appendix 1: Enumeration of weather service types

/**@brief    Weather key type. */
typedef enum {
    WKT_TEMP        = (1 << 0),     /**< temperature. */
    WKT_THIHG       = (1 << 1),     /**< high temperature. */
    WKT_TLOW        = (1 << 2),     /**< low temperature. */
    WKT_HUMIDITY    = (1 << 3),     /**< humidity. */
    WKT_CONDITION   = (1 << 4),     /**< weather condition. */
    WKT_PRESSURE    = (1 << 5),     /**< pressure. */
    WKT_REALFEEL    = (1 << 6),     /**< sensible temperature. */
    WKT_UVI         = (1 << 7),     /**< uvi. */
    WKT_SUNRISE     = (1 << 8),     /**< sunrise. */
    WKT_SUNSET      = (1 << 9),     /**< sunset. */
    WKT_UNIX        = (1 << 10),    /**< unix time, used with sunrise and sunset. */
    WKT_LOCAL       = (1 << 11),    /**< local time, used with sunrise and sunset. */
    WKT_WINDSPEED   = (1 << 12),    /**< wind speed. */
    WKT_WINDDIR     = (1 << 13),    /**< wind direction. */
    WKT_WINDLEVEL   = (1 << 14),    /**< wind speed scale/level. */
    WKT_AQI         = (1 << 15),    /**< aqi. */
    WKT_TIPS        = (1 << 16),    /**< tips. */
    WKT_RANK        = (1 << 17),    /**< detailed AQI status and national ranking. */
    WKT_PM10        = (1 << 18),    /**< pm10. */
    WKT_PM25        = (1 << 19),    /**< pm2.5. */
    WKT_O3          = (1 << 20),    /**< o3. */
    WKT_NO2         = (1 << 21),    /**< no2. */
    WKT_CO          = (1 << 22),    /**< co. */
    WKT_SO2         = (1 << 23),    /**< so2. */
    WKT_CONDITIONNUM= (1 << 24),    /**< weather condition mapping id. */
} tuya_ble_weather_key_type_t;

Appendix 2: Weather service parameters

The supports for parameters inside and outside mainland China, as well as real-time and forecast weather conditions, are continuously updated in the cloud. The table below shows the support during document editing.

Parameter Meaning Value type Mainland China Other countries/regions Real-time weather Weather forecast
w.temp Temperature Integer Supported Supported Yes No
w.thigh Highest temperature Integer - - No Yes
w.tlow Lowest temperature Integer - - No Yes
w.humidity Humidity Integer Supported Supported Yes 7-day forecast
w.condition The descriptive text for weather conditions, such as sunny or rainy. The content is not fixed and multilingual configuration must prevail. We recommend you use conditionNum to return the code of weather conditions. String Supported Supported Yes 7-day forecast
w.pressure Air pressure Integer Not supported Supported Yes 7-day forecast
w.realFeel Apparent temperature Integer Not supported Supported Yes 7-day forecast
w.uvi Ultraviolet index Integer Not supported Supported Yes 7-day forecast
w.sunRise Sunrise String Supported Supported Yes 7-day forecast
w.sunSet Sunset String Supported Supported Yes 7-day forecast
t.unix GMT
(used for the time of sunrise and sunset)
- - - - -
t.local Local time
(used for the time of sunrise and sunset)
- - - - -
w.windSpeed Wind speed String Supported Supported Yes 7-day forecast
w.windDir Wind direction String Supported Not supported Yes No
w.windLevel Wind scale Integer Supported Not supported Yes No
w.aqi Air quality index Integer Supported Not supported Yes No Weather tips String - - Yes No
w.rank AQI details and national ranking String Supported Not supported Yes No
w.pm10 PM10 (inhalable particulate matter) Integer Supported Not supported Yes No
w.pm25 PM2.5 (fine particulate matter) Integer Supported Not supported Yes No
w.o3 Ozone index Integer Supported Not supported Yes No
w.no2 Nitrogen dioxide index Integer Supported Not supported Yes No Carbon monoxide index Integer Supported Not supported Yes No
w.so2 Sulfur dioxide concentration Integer Supported Not supported Yes No
w.conditionNum Weather conditions represented by a digit code String Supported Supported Yes 7-day forecast The number of days for which weather forecast is returned, ranging from 1 to 7 - - - - -

Appendix 3: Weather condition codes

conditionNum Condition Chinese characters in UTF-8 (Hexadecimal)
120 Sunny E699B4
101 Heavy rain E5A4A7 E99BA8
102 Thunderstorm E99BB7 E69AB4
103 Sandstorm E6B299 E5B098 E69AB4
104 Light snow E5B08F E99BAA
105 Snow E99BAA
106 Freezing fog E586BB E99BBE
107 Rainstorm E69AB4 E99BA8
108 Isolated shower E5B180 E983A8 E998B5 E99BA8
109 Dust E6B5AE E5B098
110 Thunder and lightning E99BB7 E794B5
111 Light shower E5B08F E998B5 E99BA8
112 Rain E99BA8
113 Sleet E99BA8 E5A4B9 E99BAA
114 Dust devil E5B098 E58DB7 E9A38E
115 Ice pellet E586B0 E7B292
116 Strong sandstorm E5BCBA E6B299 E5B098 E69AB4
117 Sand blowing E689AC E6B299
118 Light to moderate rain E5B08F E588B0 E4B8AD E99BA8
119 Mostly clear E5A4A7 E983A8 E699B4 E69C97
121 Fog E99BBE
122 Shower E998B5 E99BA8
123 Heavy shower E5BCBA E998B5 E99BA8
124 Heavy snow E5A4A7 E99BAA
125 Extraordinary rainstorm E789B9 E5A4A7 E69AB4 E99BA8
126 Blizzard E69AB4 E99BAA
127 Hail E586B0 E99BB9
128 Light to moderate snow E5B08F E588B0 E4B8AD E99BAA
129 Partly cloudy E5B091 E4BA91
130 Light snow shower E5B08F E998B5 E99BAA
131 Moderate snow E4B8AD E99BAA
132 Overcast E998B4
133 Needle ice E586B0 E99288
134 Downpour E5A4A7 E69AB4 E99BA8
136 Thundershower and hail E99BB7 E998B5 E99BA8 E4BCB4 E69C89 E586B0 E99BB9
137 Freezing rain E586BB E99BA8
138 Snow shower E998B5 E99BAA
139 Light rain E5B08F E99BA8
140 Haze E99CBE
141 Moderate rain E4B8AD E99BA8
142 Cloudy E5A49A E4BA91
143 Thundershower E99BB7 E998B5 E99BA8
144 Moderate to heavy rain E4B8AD E588B0 E5A4A7 E99BA8
145 Heavy rain to rainstorm E5A4A7 E588B0 E69AB4 E99BA8
146 Clear E699B4 E69C97

Appendix 4: Wind direction codes

Code (string) Hexadecimal value Description
N 4e North
NNE 4e 4e 45 Northeast by north
NE 4e 45 Northeast
ENE 45 4e 45 Northeast by east
E 45 East
ESE 45 53 45 Southeast by east
SE 53 45 Southeast
SSE 53 53 45 Southeast by south
S 53 South
SSW 53 53 57 Southwest by south
SW 53 57 Southwest
WSW 57 53 57 Southwest by west
W 57 West
WNW 57 4e 57 Northwest by west
NW 4e 57 Northwest
NNW 4e 4e 57 Northwest by north