Configure Mobile App for Micro Application SaaS

Last Updated on : 2024-11-22 09:11:57download

Template for configuring app framework data

This topic provides an example of how to configure and display business SaaS on the Smart Industry app.


  • Configuration in the JSON format

  • Example of the Smart Industry app
    Configure Mobile App for Micro Application SaaS

Example field value description

Bottom buttons

Bottom buttons are configured in the bottomNavigation field in the JSON format. The bottom buttons include Home, Devices, and Me. By default, they are rendered in the order of the JSON fields.

Each field value is described as follows.

Field value Type Description
i18n JSON The language in which the text is written. Valid values:
  • en: English
  • zh: Chinese
menu String The name of a menu.
selectedIcon String The icon that is selected or tapped. A default icon is used if no value is set.
unselectedIcon String The icon that is not selected or is toggled. A default icon is used if no value is set.

Page configurations

Page configurations are set in the pageStructureVOList field in the JSON format. This property helps you configure both a cloud-native page for the app and a dynamic page. Each field value is described as follows.

Field value Type Description
id Integer The fixed value.
code String The code of the specified page. Valid values:
  • home: home
  • device: devices
  • user: me
type String The type of the specified page. Valid values:
  • native: native page
  • dynamic: dynamic page
url String The placeholder for the page URL.
method String The request method, such as GET.
pageId Integer The ID of the specified page. Valid values:
  • 1: me
  • 2: home

The page configurations take effect immediately. Before configuration, make sure that the format is correct. We recommend you synchronize the configurations to the production environment after the test in the preview environment is passed.