Integrate with Private Apps

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 07:04:48download

After you subscribe to the Voice Control of Smart Devices service on the Cloud Development Platform, you can control the devices that are connected to your private apps.


  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform.

  2. Choose Cloud > Cloud Services.

    Integrate with Private Apps

  3. On the My Service page, search for Voice Control of Smart Devices.

    Integrate with Private Apps

  4. Click Subscribe to Resource Pack in the Operation column.

    Integrate with Private Apps

  5. Select your desired service, click Buy Now, and then complete the subscription as instructed.

    Integrate with Private Apps

  6. The page prompts that Subscribed successfully. In the Status column of the My Subscriptions tab, you can see that the status of the service is In service.

    Integrate with Private Apps

  7. Click the API List tab. The available APIs are shown in the section Integrate with Private Apps. You can view the API documentation or perform debugging.

    Integrate with Private Apps