Smart Industry App

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:42:02download

Smart Industry is a mobile app that helps to add smart devices to a cloud project created at Tuya Developer Platform > Cloud Development. The sub-devices of Tuya IoT Edge Gateway can also be added. Both the iOS and Android versions are available and can be downloaded from app stores for these operating systems.


Smart Industry helps to add devices or sub-devices of the edge gateway to the required projects. This allows managing devices with different protocols in one place. This way, you can simply subscribe to the required API services to start cloud projects.

The following block diagram shows the process to add the devices to a cloud project by using the app.

Smart Industry App


  • Support devices for almost all protocols. The app can be used to quickly search for and pair devices.
  • All smart devices, including non-standard devices, can be paired with the app.
  • This lightweight app can be easily accessed, even in unstable network conditions, such as on the device installation sites or on the farms backed by few base stations.
  • The app inherits the benefits of assets and users that apply to Cloud Development. This allows smart devices to be managed as clusters in different industry scenarios.


  • Devices: search for and add devices.
  • Users: authorize and remove users.
  • Assets: display device clusters that belong to different assets.


For more information, see Download App.
