Common Codes

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 07:16:04download

This topic describes the common codes that are built in the tuya-panel-kit component library. For more information, see Tuya Design.

Note: To modify the following multilingual, go to Developer Platform > App > Multi-language > Product Language > Public Entries.

Dialog box for offline Wi-Fi devices

Common Codes

Note: When text is added to offline_textLinkMore, the More Help page displays the added text.

Code Text
offline_alreadyOffline Offline Device
offline_pleaseCheck Check the following items:
offline_textLinkBefore 1. Whether your device is powered on.\n2. Whether the router that is connected to your device is working as expected.
offline_linkFront 3. Whether the name or password of the router is modified. You can try to
offline_link reconnect the router.
offline_textLinkAfter 4. Whether your device is too far away from the router, whether the signal is weak, or whether the data transmission is obstructed.
offline_moreHelp More Help
help Help
offline_title The device gets offline. Check the following items:

Dialog box for offline Bluetooth devices

Common Codes

Note: Tap View Help to go to the mobile website. This page does not support multilingual text.

Code Text
bluetoothOfflineTip Enable Bluetooth on your mobile phone.
openBleShare Enable Bluetooth Sharing
bluetoothShare Bluetooth Sharing
openBleShareStep Settings > Find Your App > Enable Bluetooth Sharing
openBle Enable System Bluetooth
deviceOffline Device Connection Failure
deviceOfflineHelp ① Make sure that the device is powered on or that the battery capacity is sufficient.\n② Place the mobile phone as close as possible to the device.\n③ If the device has been connected to another mobile phone, close the connection and try again.
deviceOfflineHelpNew ① Make sure that the device is powered on or that the battery capacity is sufficient.\n② Place the mobile phone as close as possible to the device.\n③ If the device has been connected to another mobile phone, close the connection and try to
offline_link reconnect the router.
alreadyKnow Got It
backToHome Homepage
checkHelp View Help

Alert of weak signal strength

Common Codes
Code Text
location The Wi-Fi signal of the device is weak. Change the device position.
wifiBadTitle Weak Wi-Fi Signal
detectPlease Check the following items:
internetAccess 1. Whether the router that is connected to the device is working as expected in excellent network conditions.
obstructions 2. Whether your device is too far away from the router, or the signal is obstructed by walls or other barriers.
retest Retest Network