Standard Status Set

Last Updated on : 2022-01-17 07:57:53download

This topic describes the standard status set of human motion sensors (pir).

Support reporting instructions to the cloud only

Code Name Data type Value constraint Description Version
pir Human motion sensing status Enum ro {“range”:[“pir”,“none”]} -
temper_alarm Tamper alarm Boolean ro {} -
battery_percentage Battery capacity percentage Integer ro {“unit”:“%”,“min”:0,“max”:100,“scale”:0,“step”:1} -
battery_state Battery capacity status Enum ro {“range”:[“low”,“middle”,“high”]} -
battery Battery capacity Integer ro {“unit”:“”,“min”:0,“max”:10000,“scale”:0,“step”:1} Legacy versions
battery_value Battery capacity value Integer ro {“unit”:“”,“min”:0,“max”:30000,“scale”:0,“step”:1} Legacy versions