Standard Status Set

Last Updated on : 2022-01-17 06:10:08download

This topic describes the standard status set of door and window controllers (mc).

Support reporting instructions to the cloud and sending instructions to the device

Note: Only the legacy versions support the instructions marked with an asterisk (*).

Code Name Data type Value constraint
countdown_set Countdown Enum {“range”:[“cancel”,“1h”,“2h”,“3h”,“4h”]}
auto_power Auto-start switch Boolean {}
mode Mode Enum {“range”:[“morning”,“night”]}
percent_control Percentage of window opening extent Integer {“unit”:“%”,“min”:0,“max”:100,“scale”:0,“step”:1}
anti_theft Anti-theft alert Boolean {}
charge_switch Charging switch Boolean {}
close_reminder Reminder of closing the door or window Boolean {}
control Control of the door or window Enum {“range”:[“open”,“stop”,“close”]}
*countdown Countdown Enum {“range”:[“cancel”,“1”,“2”,“3”,“4”,“5”,“6”]}

Support reporting instructions to the cloud

Code Name Data type Value constraint
time_total Total time of opening and closing once Integer {“unit”:“ms”,“min”:0,“max”:120000,“scale”:0,“step”:1}
countdown_left Remaining time of countdown Integer {“unit”:“s”,“min”:0,“max”:86400,“scale”:0,“step”:1}
percent_state Enable percentage status Integer {“unit”:“%”,“min”:0,“max”:100,“scale”:0,“step”:1}
residual_electricity Remaining battery Integer {“unit”:“%”,“min”:0,“max”:100,“scale”:0,“step”:1}
status Open and closed status Enum {“range”:[“opened”,“closed”]}