Status Set: ckmkzq

Last Updated on : 2022-01-12 08:22:00download

This topic describes the standard status set of garage door openers (ckmkzq).

Support reporting instructions to the cloud and sending instructions to the device

Code Name Data type Value Description
countdown_alarm Delay countdown of alert notification Integer {“unit”:“s”, “min”:0, “max”:86400, “scale”:0, “step”:1} At the end of the countdown, if the garage door is still open, the app will send an alert notification.
tr_timecon Door travel time Integer {“unit”:“s”, “min”:10, “max”:120, “scale”:0, “step”:1} It refers to the one-way time for opening and closing the garage door.
countdown_1 Garage door opening and closing countdown Integer {“unit”:“s”, “min”:0, “max”:86400, “scale”:0, “step”:1} None
switch_1 Garage door switch Boolean {} None
switch_alarm_sound Alert sound switch Boolean {} None

Support reporting instructions to the cloud only

Code Name Data type Value
doorcontact_state Status of contact sensor Boolean
  • true: the door is open.
  • false: the door is closed.