Standard Status Set

Last Updated on : 2022-01-13 06:14:23download

This topic describes the standard status set of human presence sensors (hps).

Support reporting instructions to the cloud and sending instructions to the device

Code Name Data type Value
sensitivity Sensitivity Integer {“unit”:“”,min":0,“max”:9,“scale”:0,“step”:1}
near_detection Detect at the nearest distance Integer {“unit”:“cm”,“min”:0,“max”:1000,“scale”:0,“step”:1}
far_detection Detect at the farthest distance Integer {“unit”:“cm”,“min”:0,“max”:1000,“scale”:0,“step”:1}
self_checking Device self-check Boolean {}

Support reporting instructions to the cloud only

Code Name Data type Value
presence_state Presence status Enum {“range”:[“none”,“presence”]}
checking_result Device self-check result Integer {“range”:[“checking”,“check_success”,“check_failure”,“others”]}