Standard Status Set

Last Updated on : 2022-01-13 06:25:23download

This topic describes the standard status set of projectors (tyy).

Status to be sent and reported

Data type
back Back Boolean {}
channel Channels Integer {“min”:0,“max”:999,“scale”:0,“step”:1}
channel_change Change channels Enum {“range”:[“channel_up”,“channel_down”]}
direction_control Direction control Enum {“range”:[“up”,“down”,“right”,“left”]}
enter Confirm Boolean {}
exit Exit Boolean {}
input Signal input Enum {“range”:[“hdmi1”,“hdmi2”,“hdmi3”,“hdmi4”,“vga”,“tv”,“component”,“composite”]}
mute Mute Boolean {}
sleep Sleep mode Boolean {}
switch Switch Boolean {}
tv_home Homepage Boolean {}
tv_menu Television menu Boolean {}
volume_set Volume setting Integer {“min”:0,“max”:100,“scale”:0,“step”:1}
work_mode Mode Enum {“range”:[“10s”,“20s”,“30s”]}