Last Updated on : 2025-02-27 08:13:15download
Based on tuyaos_robot_rvc_sdk
, this topic describes the process and APIs for transmitting real-time maps and routes of laser robot vacuums, as well as the coordinate system of maps.
Laser robot vacuums support three types of files:
Thumbnail data and original high-definition (HD) images are AI object recognition capabilities. In order to use these capabilities, the robot vacuum needs to be equipped with a camera. You can choose whether to configure these capabilities according to your hardware conditions.
in TuyaOS SDK, which has only two states: start and end.aiHD_XXXX_YYYY.bin
sent by the mobile app and transfer it to the application by using TuyaOS SDK. Among them, XXXX_YYYY
is the real object coordinate point. The application gets the correct original HD image data based on the real coordinate point, and calls the API for sending the original HD image data. Thus, report it to the mobile app./**
* @brief Structure for coordinate points
typedef struct {
int x; // X value of the coordinate point
int y; // Y value of the coordinate point
* @brief Names of recognized objects
typedef enum {
TuyaOS SDK only defines several standard object types. If you have new object types, you can add them after OBJECTS_TYPE_OTHER
and align them with the object type definitions on the panel.
* @brief thumbnail param structure
typedef struct {
OBJECT_POINT_S points; // Points of objects
AI_OBJECTS_TYPE_E object_type; // Recognized objects
unsigned char accuracy; // Recognition accuracy, report FF if not used
* @brief AI thumbnail data structure
typedef struct {
int map_id; // Map ID
int object_num; // Number of objects
OBJECT_THUMBNAILS_PARAM_S* param; // Points of objects,type and accuracy
struct is used to store the coordinates, types, and accuracy of all objects on a map. OBJECT_THUMBNAILS_PARAM_S
object is used to store the coordinates, types, and accuracy of an object.
* @brief Parameters for the map protocol header of the robot vacuum cleaner
typedef struct {
unsigned short map_id; // Map ID
int status; // Map status, 0 indicates unstable, 1 indicates stable
int height; // Height of the map in pixels
int width; // Width of the map in pixels
int resolution; // Map resolution (width/length of each grid), reported as original value, unit: meters
POINT_COOR_S origin; // Machine origin X/Y coordinates, given relative to the screen coordinate system, reported as the original value
POINT_COOR_S charge_point; // Charging station X/Y coordinates, given relative to the screen coordinate system, reported as the original value
int charge_angle; // Orientation of the charging station
is a member of the map data RVC_MAP_DATA_S
struct. It indicates the header parameters of the map data.
typedef struct {
int type; //Path point type
POINT_COOR_S coordinates; //Path coordinate array, given with reference to the machine coordinate system
* @brief Parameters for the path protocol of the robot vacuum cleaner
typedef struct {
unsigned short path_id; // Path ID: Roadmap identification for a complete sweep
int type; //0x01 full path (normal mode), 0x02 full path (complex mode), 0x03 navigation path
int count; // Total number of waypoints (full)
int direction; // Device heading angle
PATH_POINT_S*path_point; //Path coordinate array, given with reference to the machine coordinate system, the original value is reported
struct is the map route data. For more information about the PATH_POINT_S
member, see Map and route data structure.
* @brief Pixel Point Types
typedef enum {
RVC_PIXEL_BLANK=0, //Free area, laser scanning points of unpartitioned rooms.
RVC_PIXEL_OBS, // Obstacle
RVC_PIXEL_CARPET, // Carpet area
RVC_PIXEL_UNKNOW, // Unknown area, the background area of the map rectangular canvas.
RVC_PIXEL_MAX, // Pad data, no use
is an enumeration value for pixels on the map. It is particularly important to note that when the map is not stable, points scanned by the laser that are not obstacles should be reported using the RVC_PIXEL_BLANK
type. When the map is stable, points that are not obstacles in rooms that have not been partitioned should also be reported using the RVC_PIXEL_BLANK
type. Points that are not obstacles in rooms that have been partitioned should be reported using the RVC_PIXEL_UNKNOW
* @brief Point in the corresponding coordinate system
typedef struct {
float x; // X-axis coordinate in the corresponding coordinate system, unit: meters
float y; // Y-axis coordinate in the corresponding coordinate system, unit: meters
float z; // Z-axis coordinate in the corresponding coordinate system, unit: meters
* @brief Polygon parameters
typedef struct {
RVC_POINT_S* points; // Polygon points
int points_size; // Number of points
* @brief Area polygon parameters
typedef struct {
int id; // Area ID
ROOM_POLYGON_S polygon; // Polygon
struct is used to store the grid coordinate point information of multiple room boundaries. You need to apply for the memory space of the struct. Note that the polygon
member in this struct is a pointer and a value needs to be assigned to the pointer object.
* @brief Map data structure
typedef struct{
RVC_MAP_HEAD_INFO_S header; //Parameters for the map protocol header of the robot vacuum cleaner
unsigned char** map_buff; //Pixel data on the map
int room_polygons_count; //Number of room zones
RVC_ROOM_POLYGON_S* room_polygons_data; //Area polygon parameters
struct is used to store the data of a map. The struct members include the fixed data at the beginning of the map, pixel data, number of room partitions, and boundary grid coordinate point data.
Initialize the streaming media service. Real-time maps and routes can be transmitted as expected only if you call this interface.
* @brief Real-time map and route transmission callback
typedef INT_T (*RVC_TRANS_EVENT_CB)(IN CONST int onoff);
*@Function: tuya_sdk_media_server_init
*@brief Initialize media server
*@param[in] handler The status callback for real-time data transmission,
with statuses including: start and end.
*@return OPRT_OK on success. Others on error, please refer to tuya_error_code.h
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_server_init(RVC_TRANS_EVENT_CB handler);
Parameter description
Parameter | Description |
handler | The transmission status of real-time maps and routes. You can determine whether data reporting is started based on the status value. |
Send structured data of real-time maps to the mobile app for display. For more information, see Device angle.
*@function: ty_rvc_rt_map_send_v2
*@brief: Send real-time structured map data to the app
*@param[in] map_info: map data, including fixed header data, pixel data,
the number of room zones, and boundary grid coordinate point data.
*@return OPRT_OK on success. Others on error, please refer to tuya_error_code.h
** *********************************************************/
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_rt_map_send_v2(RVC_MAP_DATA_S* map_info)
Parameter description
Parameter | Description |
map_info | The map data. For more information, see the RVC_MAP_DATA_S struct. |
For more information about the above request parameters, see Map and route data structure.
When you need to clear the map displayed on the app, call this interface to report an empty map. Regarding the format of an empty map, in the RVC_MAP_DATA_S
member is assigned 0
member is assigned NULL
member is assigned NULL
member is assigned 0
.Send structured data of real-time routes to the mobile app for display.
*@function: ty_rvc_rt_cleanpath_send
*@brief Send real-time cleanpath data to app
*@param[in] path_info: realtime path data which is need to be upload
*@return OPRT_OK on success. Others on error, please refer to tuya_error_code.h
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_rt_cleanpath_send_v2(IN RVC_PATH_INFO_S* path_info);
Parameter description
Parameter | Description |
path_info | For more information about real-time route data, see Map and route data structure. |
When you need to clear the route displayed on the app, call this interface to report an empty route. Regarding the format of the empty route, in the RVC_PATH_INFO_S
struct, you can fill in 1
for type
to indicate the standard mode and 0
for the rest.
Send the AI thumbnail file data to the mobile app. You only need to pass the data to the TuyaOS SDK as required by the RVC_AI_OBJECT_THUMBNAILS_INFO_S
struct. The TuyaOS SDK will internally transform the data before transmitting it to the mobile app.
*@function: ty_rvc_rt_ai_thumbnails_send
*@brief Send realtime ai thumbnails to app
*@param[in] object_info:ai object thumbnails param
*@return OPRT_OK on success. Others on error, please refer to tuya_error_code.h
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_rt_ai_thumbnails_send(IN RVC_AI_OBJECT_THUMBNAILS_INFO_S* object_info);
Parameter description
Parameter | Description |
object_info | The content of the thumbnail data. |
Register a callback to get the AI original HD image file name. Based on the file name sent by the mobile app, you notify the application through the sets_handler
callback. The application retrieves the specified original HD image data according to the file name.
* @brief The callback for AI HD image data. ai_name is the name of an AI HD image file sent by the mobile app.
typedef INT_T (*RVC_AI_DATA_LOAD_CB)(CHAR_T *ai_name);
*@function: ty_rvc_ai_original_init
*@brief Callback function for get aiHD name
*@param[in] sets_handler: Set unpload aiHD name cb
*@return OPERATE_RET: 0 for success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_ai_original_init(RVC_AI_LOAD_DATA_CB sets_handler);
Send the original HD image data to the mobile app. Based on the file name sent by the mobile app, you notify the application through the sets_handler
The application retrieves the specified original HD image data according to the file name and passes it to the TuyaOS SDK. The TuyaOS SDK then sends it to the mobile app. You only need to pass the data content, length and image format to the TuyaOS SDK. The TuyaOS SDK will internally transform the data before transmitting it to the mobile app.
*@Function: ty_rvc_ai_original_send
*@brief send ai original to app
*@param[in] file_type: ai original types include jpg, png, gif, svg, bmp, ico
*@param[in] file_buff: ai original buff
*@param[in] file_len: ai original len
*@return OPRT_OK on success. Others on error, please refer to tuya_error_code.h
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_ai_original_send(IN CHAR_T* file_type, IN CHAR_T* file_buff, IN INT_T file_len);
Parameter description
Parameter | Description |
file_type | The following six types of HD images are currently supported: JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, BMP, and ICO. To support other image types, contact the Tuya project manager. |
file_buff | The content of the specified original HD image data. |
file_len | The length of the specified original HD image data. |
consists of the following categories:
Fixed header data of the map. It is composed of members of the RVC_MAP_HEAD_INFO_S
No. | Field | Data types | Description |
1 | map_id | UINT16_T |
2 | status | UINT32_T | Used for UI interactions on app panels.
3 | height | UINT32_T | The pixel height of a map. If there is no map, this parameter is 0 . |
4 | width | UINT32_T | The pixel width of a map. If there is no map, this parameter is 0 . |
5 | resolution | UINT32_T | The resolution of a map (the width and length of each grid), reported in original value, in centimeters. |
6 | origin | UINT32_T | The X/Y coordinates of the device origin, with reference to the screen coordinate system. The original values are reported. For more information, see Map coordinate system. |
7 | charge_point | UINT32_T | The X/Y coordinates of a charging station, with reference to the screen coordinate system. The original values are reported. If the X and Y coordinates of the charging station are both equal to 0 , the charging station will not be displayed. For more information, see Map coordinate system. |
8 | charge_angle | UINT32_T | The device’s heading angle at the current point. For more information, see Device angle. |
All pixel data in the map are represented by the map_buff
member. For pixel values, refer to the definitions of the RVC_PIXEL_TYPE_E
enumeration values.
Based on the pixel width and height of the map, fill the specified pixel enumeration value at the top-left corner R(0,0) within its area using a two-dimensional scanning method. 1
: the current pixel is an obstacle. 2
: the current pixel is a carpet.
The outer boundary information of the specified area in a map is represented by the RVC_ROOM_POLYGON_S
member. It refers to the coordinates of the boundary points of the room partition.
The boundary grid coordinate points shall be filled into the memory space sequentially starting from the top-left corner according to the screen coordinate system, and finally returning to the starting point. Avoid skipping any points in between, as this might cause errors on the panel.
Map reporting routine
int main_test(void)
RVC_MAP_DATA_S rvc_map_info = { 0 };
int i = 0; int j = 0;
/* Assign values to the fixed bytes of the map protocol header */
rvc_map_info.header.map_id = 0; //The map ID
rvc_map_info.header.status = 1; //0 indicates that the map is unstable, and 1 indicates that the map is stable
rvc_map_info.header.width = 121; //Pixel width of the map
rvc_map_info.header.height = 152; //Pixel height of the map
rvc_map_info.header.origin.x = 564; //X coordinate of the device origin
rvc_map_info.header.origin.y = 1357; //Y coordinate of the device origin
rvc_map_info.header.resolution = 5; //Resolution
rvc_map_info.header.charge_point.x = 0; //X coordinate of the charging station
rvc_map_info.header.charge_point.y = 0; //Y coordinate of the charging station
rvc_map_info.header.charge_angle = 0; //Angle of the charging station
//Call functions to allocate memory
rvc_map_info.map_buff = NULL;
char strFileInfo_buff[]; //Your original pixel data to be filled in the following two-dimensional array
//Request a two-dimensional array of memory for temp_map_buf
for (i = 0; i < rvc_map_info.header.height; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < rvc_map_info.header.width; j++) {
rvc_map_info.map_buff[i][j] = strFileInfo_buff[rvc_map_info.header.width* i + j];
char map_buf_info[]; //Provide information of room outline coordinate points
if (map_buf_info!= NULL) { // Check if the data is valid int room_count = 2; // Provide the number of room partitions
RVC_ROOM_POLYGON_S *tmp_room_polygon = NULL;
int tmp_points_size = 0;
int offset_len = 0; //Data offset
int all_points_size = 0; //The number of all coordinates
for (i = 0; i < room_count; i++) { //Traverse the room outline information
all_points_size += xxxx; //Provide the number of boundary point coordinates in all rooms
tmp_room_polygon = (RVC_ROOM_POLYGON_S*)Malloc(room_count * sizeof(RVC_ROOM_POLYGON_S) + all_points_size * sizeof(RVC_POINT_S)); //Request the memory space for the struct. Note that the polygon member in the struct is a pointer, and you need to assign a value to the pointer object.
rvc_map_info.room_polygons_data = tmp_room_polygon;
float tmp_origin_x = (float)map_header.origin.x /10.0f; //Get the coordinates of the origin
float tmp_origin_y = (float)map_header.origin.y /10.0f;
RVC_POINT_S* points_memory =(RVC_POINT_S*)(tmp_room_polygon + room_count); //Coordinate point data points to the secondary pointer
for ( i = 0; i < room_count; i++) { //Traverse the room outline information
tmp_room_polygon->id = (map_buf_info[4 + 8 * i ] << 24) | (map_buf_info[3 + 8 * i] << 16) | (map_buf_info[2 + 8 * i] << 8) | map_buf_info[1 + 8 * i];
tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points_size = (map_buf_info[8 + 8 * i] << 24) | (map_buf_info[7 + 8 * i] << 16) | (map_buf_info[6 + 8 * i] << 8) | map_buf_info[5 + 8 * i];
PR_DEBUG("room id :%d, points size :%d", tmp_room_polygon->id, tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points_size);
offset_len = 1 + 8 * room_count + tmp_points_size; //Data offset
tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points = points_memory;
for (j = 0; j < tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points_size; j++) { //The coordinates for the panel need to be reported according to the screen coordinate system. Developers should make adjustments based on their own map algorithms.
memcpy(&tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points[j].x, map_buf_info.buff + (offset_len + j * 12), sizeof(RVC_POINT_S));
tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points[j].x = tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points[j].x * 100 / 5 + (tmp_origin_x); //Based on the resolution and world coordinate system, calculate the screen coordinate data and report it to the panel for display.
tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points[j].y = (tmp_origin_y) - (tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points[j].y * 100 / 5) ;
tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points[j].z = tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points[j].z * 100 / 5;
// PR_DEBUG("point[%d] x:%f,y:%f, z:%f", j, tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points[j].x, tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points[j].y,tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points[j].z);
tmp_points_size += (tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points_size * sizeof(RVC_POINT_S)); //Add the number of coordinate points in the room
points_memory += tmp_room_polygon->polygon.points_size; //Address offset of secondary pointer
tmp_room_polygon++; //Get the outline information of the next room
rvc_map_info.room_polygons_count = room_count;
int ret = ty_rvc_rt_map_send_v2(&rvc_map_info); //Report map data
if(rvc_map_info.room_polygons_data != NULL) { Free(rvc_map_info.room_polygons_data);
//The requested memory must be released later
return ret;
For the format of route data, see the RVC_PATH_INFO_S
No. | Field | Data types | Description |
1 | path_id | UINT16_T | The ID of the route map for a complete cleaning. |
2 | type | UINT32_T | The type of route. Valid values:
3 | direction | UINT32_T | The device’s heading angle. For more information, see Device angle. |
4 | count | UINT32_T | The total number of waypoints in a full route. |
5 | path_point | PATH_POINT_S | The size of the route coordinate arrays is count × 8. For more information, see the Robot coordinate system. |
The coordinates
member in the PATH_POINT_S
struct is an array of route coordinates, that is, X coordinate and Y coordinate. For each point, [x, y] = 1 × 8 bytes.
The type
member indicates the waypoint type.
: a standard cleaning route, and the waypoint type is only 0x00
: a complex path. The waypoint types:
: Clean the rooms.1
: Move between rooms.2
: Return to the charging station.3
: Mop the rooms (not yet supported).When the robot vacuum performs a new cleaning task, it starts from the initial position and builds a map while cleaning to form a cleaning map and cleaning route. As the map gradually expands and the route continuously accumulates, the process involves the world coordinate system, the robot coordinate system, and the screen coordinate system displayed on the mobile app. Their relationship is as follows:
The world coordinate system refers to the actual physical coordinate system, that is, the plane coordinate system of the room. Each time the robot vacuum cleans, a certain point in the world coordinate system is used as the starting point. The position of this point in the world coordinate system remains unchanged during this cleaning process. The world coordinate system helps users reference and understand the robot coordinate system.
The robot coordinate system is established with the starting point as the origin and referenced to the world coordinate system. During the cleaning process, the origin is used as a reference to get the coordinate values of the waypoints.
The screen coordinate system is used for mapping on mobile apps, with the top left corner of the screen R(0,0) as the origin of this coordinate system.
Map data
× Map_height
. The first data point in the map array is UINT8_T0, which is the top left corner R(0,0).During mapping on the mobile app, the origin O is fixed, that is, the initial position of the robot vacuum in the world coordinate system remains unchanged.
Route data
Route data is a collection of traversed location points, whose coordinates are INT32 values. The current location point is P(x,y), where x/y is the value of point P relative to point O.
The transmitted route coordinate value = the original route coordinate value × 10, in order to balance precision and efficiency.
Area data
The coordinate data of the cleaning area, no-go area frame, virtual wall line, and point and go are INT32 values. The coordinate point is M(x,y), where x/y is the value of point M relative to point O, based on the robot coordinate system.
The transmitted area coordinate value = the original area coordinate value × 10, in order to balance precision and efficiency.
to 0x168
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