Last Updated on : 2025-02-20 02:54:19download
TuyaOS allows you to set the logging level and logging destination (such as file and terminal). On the device management platform, you can get the local logs of devices for troubleshooting.
Local logging is one of the most important features of an IoT robot vacuum. It is used to log information about devices in the field, helping you identify problems. It is recommended to enable this feature for your robot vacuum products.
TuyaOS provides the TuyaOS Kernel interface tkl_output.h
for formatting the log messages. The application implements where to output the logs.
The default output terminal calls tkl_log_output
. The application should implement log output in this interface.
Output logs to the terminal:
VOID_T tkl_log_output(IN CONST CHAR_T *str, ...)
printf("%s", str);
Output logs to a file:
VOID_T tkl_log_output(IN CONST CHAR_T *str, ...)
uFILE * fp = NULL;
// Open the file.
fp = ufopen("log.txt", "w+");
if(NULL == fp) {
return ;
// Write to the file.
uiWriteCnt = ufwrite(fp, str, strlen(str));
if(uiWriteCnt != strlen(str)) {
TAL_PR_ERR("log uf file write data error!");
return ;
// Close the file.
After TuyaOS is run, call tuya_iot_set_log_attr
to set a logging threshold. The message is logged only if its logging level is less than or equal to the threshold. The following table lists the logging levels.
#define TY_LOG_LEVEL_ERR Logs a message with the ERROR level.
#define TY_LOG_LEVEL_WARN Logs a message with the WARN level.
#define TY_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Logs a message with the NOTICE level.
#define TY_LOG_LEVEL_INFO Logs a message with the INFO level.
#define TY_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG Logs a message with the DEBUG level.
#define TY_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE Logs a message with the TRACE level.
Generally, during the device debugging phase, you must set the logging level to TY_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
mode to facilitate troubleshooting.
// Set the logging level
PR_DEBUG Outputs DEBUG logs.
PR_DEBUG_RAW Outputs DEBUG logs (RAW data without formatting).
PR_ERR Outputs ERROR logs.
PR_WARN Outputs WARN logs.
PR_INFO Outputs INFO logs.
PR_TRACE Outputs TRACE logs.
VOID test_log(VOID)
BYTE_T test_buf[8] = {0};
PR_TRACE("This is a trace message");
PR_DEBUG("This is a debug message");
PR_ERR("This is an error message");
PR_WARN("This is a warning message");
PR_INFO("This is an info message");
for (INT_T i = 0; i < sizeof(test_buf); i++) {
PR_DEBUG_RAW("%02x ", test_buf[i]);
Upload logs stored on the device to the Tuya Developer Platform. When anomalies occur on the device, device logs can help you troubleshoot problems.
Trigger log upload through the Tuya Operations Platform. To trigger log upload, the device must be online. Otherwise, this feature is not available. Additionally, device authorization is required to determine whether logs can be uploaded. The platform can only trigger the log upload feature if you have enabled Device Logs on the panel.
registers the callback for retrieving logs. In the callback, compress log files and notify TuyaOS of the full path to the compressed file. TuyaOS will upload the file to the Tuya Developer Platform.
* @brief Handle device local log reporting.
* @param [char*] path The path to the reported log.
* @param [int] len
* @return [*]
void cloud_log_path_cb(OUT char* path, IN CONST int len)
char cmd[128] = { 0 };
//You can package local logs such as test.log into log_all.tar (the name can be defined by yourself). Note that the file size of one package should not exceed 30 MB. If the file is large enough, you can package and pass it to the path in batches.
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "tar -cvf /tmp/log_all.tar /tmp/test.log");
strcpy(path, "/tmp/log_all.tar"); // Pass the packaged logs and path to the path parameter. The SDK will obtain it through cloud_log_path_cb.
PR_DEBUG("goto upload local log finish");
* @brief The callback function invoked when the device local log is reported.
* @param [int] result: The result of handling. 0: OK.
* @return [*]
void cloud_log_deal_cb(OUT INT_T result)
char cmd[128] = { 0 };
if (OPRT_OK == result) { // After receiving the callback of successful reporting, you can delete the local file.
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "rm -rf /tmp/log_all.tar"); // Delete the file.
PR_DEBUG("upload app log %d, goto delete data! ", result);
* @brief Initialize device local log reporting.
* @param [*]
* @return [*]
void ty_log_upload_init(void)
TY_IOT_APP_CBS_S app_log_deal = {
tuya_iot_app_cbs_init(&app_log_deal); // Register the callback function for cloud logs.
Currently, your account must be allowlisted to use the RVC R&D and support system. If you want to use this feature, contact your account manager.
Perform the following steps:
Log in to the RVC R&D and support system, click Product Management on the left-side navigation pane, and then click Add.
In the Add product dialog that appears, click the drop-down list to select Product ID, and fill in your product ID (PID).
Select your added product and click Confirm to add the product to the Product Management page.
On the left-side navigation pane, select Device Management.
In the Device ID field, fill in the PID of your device and click Search on the right. In the list, click Device Log in the Operation column.
On the Device Local Log tab, click Upload Log.
When the log status is Uploaded Successfully, you can click Download to get the local logs.
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