Complex Protocol Control

Last Updated on : 2025-02-12 06:58:39download

To reduce development costs and facilitate the interaction between robot vacuums and app panels, the laser robot vacuum SDK encapsulates complex controls such as virtual walls and room properties into different APIs. You can use the APIs to easily complete data communication.


The APIs support the following features:

  • Complete the protocol parsing for functional parameter settings sent by the cloud, and deliver the set/query commands and their parameters to the business application through the callback interface.
  • Encapsulate device functional parameter reporting APIs. If the device has data synchronized with the cloud, the reporting can be completed by calling the specified functional reporting interface.

The following table shows the commands currently supported by the APIs:

Feature Command type identifier Direction
Set a virtual wall VIRTUAL_WALL_SET Panel->Device
Query a virtual wall VIRTUAL_WALL_QUERY Panel->Device
Set a no-go area RESTRICTED_AREA_SET Panel->Device
Query a no-go area RESTRICTED_AREA_QUERY Panel->Device
Set room properties ROOM_PROPERTY_SET Panel->Device
Query room properties ROOM_PROPERTY_QUERY Panel->Device
Set a selected area cleaning ROOM_CLEAN_SET Panel->Device
Query a selected area cleaning ROOM_CLEAN_QUERY Panel->Device
Set a selected zone cleaning ZONE_CLEAN_SET Panel->Device
Query a selected zone cleaning ZONE_CLEAN_QUERY Panel->Device
Set a selected spot cleaning SPOT_CLEAN_SET Panel->Device
Query a selected spot cleaning SPOT_CLEAN_QUERY Panel->Device
Set a schedule SCHEDULE_SET Panel->Device
Query a schedule SCHEDULE_QUERY Panel->Device
Set a Do not disturb (DND) period QUIET_HOUR_SET Panel->Device
Query a DND period QUIET_HOUR_QUERY Panel->Device
Split an area on the map PART_DIVI_SET Panel->Device
Merge areas on the map PART_MERGE_SET Panel->Device
Restore default areas on the map PART_DEFAULT_SET Panel->Device
Reset a map RESET_CURR_MAP_SET Panel->Device
Save a map SAVE_CURR_MAP_SET Panel->Device
Delete a map from the cloud DELETE_CLOUD_MAP_SET Panel->Device
Use a map in the cloud USE_CLOUD_MAP_SET Panel->Device
Use a language file USE_CLOUD_VOICE_LANGUAGE_SET Panel->Device
Query a language file VOICE_LANGUAGE_QUERY Panel->Device
Query device information DEV_INFO_QUERY Panel->Device
Set thumbnail information AI_OBJECT_IGNORE_SET Panel->Device
Query empty map information MAP_EMPTY_QUERY Panel->Device
Query password status PASSWORD_STATE_QUERY Panel->Device
Verify a password PASSWORD_CHECK Panel->Device
Set a password PASSWORD_SET Panel->Device

How it works

  • The device can synchronize data with the Tuya-enabled app in the following three ways:
    • When the device data status changes, the device proactively calls the interface to report the data.
    • When the panel initiates a data query command, the device responds passively to complete data reporting.
    • When the panel initiates a data setting command, the device completes the functional processing and calls the interface to report and synchronize data.
  • After the application receives the processing command corresponding to the FUNC_SET_CB callback, it needs to handle the event asynchronously to ensure that frequent clicks on the panel for sending command do not block subsequent command parsing. During asynchronous processing, the command parameters should be copied first, and then the copied data should be used for command event processing.
ApplicationTuyaOS SDKTuya-Enabled AppPower on deviceRegister data commandset/query callback functions toty_rvc_advance_func_registerDevice is connectedto the networkReport data via responseinterfaces such asty_rvc_device_info_data_respon-seReport data to sync with the cloudUser interacts with the panel UI, sending command to set parametersSDK performs dataparsingTo avoid blocking subsequent command parsing, it is recommended that the application handles commands asynchronously.Copy the command parameters and then use the copied data used for command event processing.SDK calls the data command setcallback for data processingAfter completing the commandset function processing, thedevice calls the responseinterface to report dataReport data to sync with the cloudUser interacts with the panel UI, sending command to queryparametersSDK performs dataparsingSDK calls the data commandquery callback for dataprocessingAfter completing the commandquery function processing, thedevice calls the responseinterface to report dataReport data to sync with the cloudApplicationTuyaOS SDKTuya-Enabled App


Register a protocol handler callback

This interface is used to register command handler callback functions. After the callback is successfully registered, the SDK receives and parses the command protocol sent by the cloud, and then calls the registered callback to execute the business functionalities. Note that the param variable in the callback will be released after the callback is invoked. If the callback has asynchronous operations, you need to copy the param data to the variable space requested by your application.

 * @brief Sweeper advanced function setting callback function pointer
 * @param [ADVANCE_CMD_E] cmd, protocol command, the SDK uses this parameter to notify the application of the current setting command to be processed, see the list for setting commands, all ending with SET
 * @param [void *] param, parameters corresponding to the command, the application converts the param parameter into the command corresponding parameter structure based on the cmd command field, the structure correspondence can refer to the accompanying demo
typedef OPERATE_RET (*FUNC_SET_CB)(IN ADVANCE_CMD_E cmd, IN void* param);

 * @brief Sweeper advanced function query callback function pointer
 * @param [ADVANCE_CMD_E] cmd, protocol command, the SDK uses this parameter to notify the application of the current query command to be processed, see the list for query commands, all ending with QUERY
 * @param [void *] param, parameters corresponding to the command, current query command, its parameters are meaningless and do not need to be processed
 * @note  When the application gets the corresponding command parameters in the query callback function and needs to report, please call the corresponding response reporting function, for example, after processing the VIRTUAL_WALL_QUERY command, when needing to report parameters, use the ty_rvc_virtual_wall_data_response interface to report
typedef OPERATE_RET (*FUNC_QUERY_CB)(IN ADVANCE_CMD_E cmd, IN void* param);

 * @brief Register advanced capability setting and query callback functions
 * @param[in] sets_handler: Command setting callback function that the application needs to implement
 * @param[in] query_handler: Command query callback function that the application needs to implement
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_advance_func_register(IN FUNC_SET_CB sets_handler, IN FUNC_QUERY_CB query_handler);

Parameter Description
sets_handler This request parameter is the handler callback of the setting command. It is implemented by the business application. Register with the SDK through this interface, and the param request parameter of the callback is a command parameter. The application converts this parameter into the specified command parameter struct according to the command type, and then uses it.
query_handler This request parameter is the handler callback of the query command. It is implemented by the business application. Register with the SDK through this interface. The param request parameter of the callback is not currently used and the application does not need to care about it.
OPERATE_RET The return value. OPRT_OK means successful execution, and other values ​​mean failed execution. For the meaning of error codes, refer to definitions in the TuyaOS_SDK header file.

Data reporting interfaces

The device data reporting interfaces are used to complete data synchronization with Tuya-enabled apps. The following table lists the data reporting features provided by each interface:

Interface Feature Remarks
ty_rvc_virtual_wall_data_response Report virtual wall data When the device data changes, proactively call the interface to report the data.
ty_rvc_restricted_area_data_response Report no-go area data When the device data changes, proactively call the interface to report the data.
ty_rvc_room_property_data_response Report room properties data When the device data changes, proactively call the interface to report the data.
ty_rvc_room_clean_data_response Report selected area cleaning data When the device data changes, proactively call the interface to report the data.
ty_rvc_spot_clean_data_response Report selected spot cleaning data When the device data changes, proactively call the interface to report the data.
ty_rvc_zone_clean_data_response Report selected zone cleaning data When the device data changes, proactively call the interface to report the data.
ty_rvc_schedule_data_response Report schedule data When the device data changes, proactively call the interface to report the data.
ty_rvc_quiet_hours_data_response Report DND period data When the device data changes, proactively call the interface to report the data.
ty_rvc_voice_language_data_response Report language switching data When the device data changes, proactively call the interface to report the data.
ty_rvc_device_info_data_response Report device information data When the device data changes, proactively call the interface to report the data.
ty_rvc_part_division_data_response Report the result of splitting the map area This feature is only used to return the result after the setting command is executed. When the panel does not send a setting command, the device does not need to call this interface for data synchronization.
ty_rvc_part_merge_data_response Report the result of merging the map areas This feature is only used to return the result after the setting command is executed. When the panel does not send a setting command, the device does not need to call this interface for data synchronization.
ty_rvc_map_part_default_data_response Report the result of restoring default areas on the map This feature is only used to return the result after the setting command is executed. When the panel does not send a setting command, the device does not need to call this interface for data synchronization.
ty_rvc_map_clear_data_response Report the result of resetting the map This feature is only used to return the result after the setting command is executed. When the panel does not send a setting command, the device does not need to call this interface for data synchronization.
ty_rvc_map_save_data_response Report the result of saving the map This feature is only used to return the result after the setting command is executed. When the panel does not send a setting command, the device does not need to call this interface for data synchronization.
ty_rvc_map_delete_data_response Report the result of deleting the map This feature is only used to return the result after the setting command is executed. When the panel does not send a setting command, the device does not need to call this interface for data synchronization.
ty_rvc_map_use_data_response Report the result of using the map This feature is only used to return the result after the setting command is executed. When the panel does not send a setting command, the device does not need to call this interface for data synchronization.
ty_rvc_map_empty_response Report the result of querying empty map This feature is only used to return the result after the query command is executed. When the panel does not send a query command, the device does not need to call this interface for data synchronization.
ty_rvc_password_check_response Report the result of verifying a password This feature is only used to return the result after the query command is executed. When the panel does not send a query command, the device does not need to call this interface for data synchronization.
ty_rvc_password_state_response Report the result of querying a password status This feature is only used to return the result after the setting or query command is executed. When the panel does not send a command, the device does not need to call this interface for data synchronization.
ty_rvc_password_set_response Report the result of setting a password This feature is only used to return the result after the setting command is executed. When the panel does not send a setting command, the device does not need to call this interface for data synchronization.

 * @brief Report virtual wall information
 * @param[in] p_virtual_wall: Virtual wall data, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Command execution result, 0 for success, other values for failure
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_virtual_wall_data_response(VIRTUAL_WALL_S* p_virtual_wall, int errcode);

 * @brief Report restricted area data
 * @param[in] p_restricted_area: Restricted area data input parameter, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Execution result corresponding to the parameter setting, 0 for success, other values for failure
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_restricted_area_data_response(RESTRICTED_AREA_S* p_restricted_area, int errcode);

 * @brief Report room property data
 * @param[in] p_room_clean: Room property data, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Execution result corresponding to the parameter setting, 0 for success, other values for failure
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_room_property_data_response(ROOM_PROPERTY_S* p_room_clean, int errcode);

 * @brief Report selected area cleaning parameter values
 * @param[in] p_room_clean: Cleaning parameter input parameter, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Execution error code, no error, input parameter is 0
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_room_clean_data_response(ROOM_CLEAN_S* p_room_clean, int errcode);

 * @brief Report spot cleaning data
 * @param[in] spot_clean_data: Spot cleaning data input parameter, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Execution error code, input 0 when no error
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_spot_clean_data_response(SPOT_CLEAN_S* spot_clean_data, int errcode);

 * @brief Report zone cleaning data
 * @param[in] p_zone_area: Zone cleaning data input parameter, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Execution error code, input 0 when no error
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_zone_clean_data_response(ZONE_CLEAN_S* p_zone_area, int errcode);

 * @brief Partition setting reply
 * @param[in] p_part_division: Partition parameters, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Execution error code, input 0 when no error
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_part_division_data_response(PART_DIVI_S* p_part_division, PART_DIV_ST_E errcode);

 * @brief Partition merge command reply
 * @param[in] p_part_merge: Partition setting reply parameters, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Execution error code, input 0 when no error
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_part_merge_data_response(PART_MERGE_S* p_part_merge, PART_MERGE_ST_E errcode);

 * @brief Partition restore default command response
 * @param[in] p_part_merge: Structure parameters, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Execution error code
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_map_part_default_data_response(MAP_PART_RESET_S* p_part_merge, PART_RESET_ST_E errcode);

 * @brief Clear home map reply
 * @param[in] p_map_reset: Map reset structure, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Execution error code
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_map_clear_data_response(CURRENT_MAP_RESET_S* p_map_reset, MAP_RESET_ST_E errcode);

 * @brief Map save command reply
 * @param[in] p_map_save: Map save reply parameter input, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Error code
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_map_save_data_response(MAP_SAVE_S* p_map_save, MAP_SAVE_ST_E errcode);

 * @brief Map delete command reply
 * @param[in] p_map_delete: Map delete reply parameters, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Error code
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_map_delete_data_response(DELETE_CLOUD_MAP_S* p_map_delete, MAP_DELETE_ST_E errcode);

 * @brief Use map command reply
 * @param[in] p_map_use_set: Use map reply parameters, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Error code
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_map_use_data_response(USE_CLOUD_MAP_S* p_map_use_set, MAP_USE_ST_E errcode);

 * @brief Scheduled data report
 * @param[in] p_schedule: Scheduled data, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] current_map_id:
 * @param[in] errcode:
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_schedule_data_response(SCHEDULE_S* p_schedule, int errcode);

 * @brief Do not disturb scheduled data report
 * @param[in] p_quiet_hours: Do not disturb scheduled data input, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Error code
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_quiet_hours_data_response(QUIET_HOURS_S* p_quiet_hours, int errcode);

 * @brief Voice use parameter report
 * @param[in] p_voice_language_set: Voice use parameter report, passed in by the application, parameters are defined in the structure
 * @param[in] errcode: Execution error code
 * @param[in] download_status: Voice file download status
 * @param[in] schedule: File download progress, value range 0~100, representing 0%~100%
 * @return OPERATE_RET: 0 success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_voice_language_data_response(USE_VOICE_LANGUAGE_S* p_voice_language_set, VOICE_USE_ST_E errcode, VOICE_DOWNLOAD_ST_E download_status, int schedule);

 * @brief Device information report, info field is concatenated by the customer in key:value format in JSON, when the app panel displays device information, it shows each value in the order of the key list
 * The panel needs to correctly configure multilingual support for each key value
 * This interface is responsible for completing data reporting via the MQTT channel
 * @param[char*] info: Application's JSON format string
 * @param [int] len: String length
 * @return OPERATE_RET, OPRT_OK indicates success, other error codes indicate failure
OPERATE_RET ty_rvc_device_info_data_response(char* info, int len);


static OPERATE_RET __sweeper_advance_function_set(OUT ADVANCE_CMD_E cmd, OUT void *param)
    OPERATE_RET ret = 0;
    int i=0,j=0;
    switch (cmd) {
        case VIRTUAL_WALL_SET: {
            VIRTUAL_WALL_S* p_virtual_wall = (VIRTUAL_WALL_S*)param;
            PR_DEBUG("virtual wall num:%d", p_virtual_wall->num);
            for(i = 0; i < p_virtual_wall->num;i++){
                PR_DEBUG("mode:%d", p_virtual_wall->line[i].mode);
                PR_DEBUG("line:%d", p_virtual_wall->line[i].points[0].x);
                PR_DEBUG("line:%d", p_virtual_wall->line[i].points[0].y);
                PR_DEBUG("line:%d", p_virtual_wall->line[i].points[1].x);
                PR_DEBUG("line:%d", p_virtual_wall->line[i].points[1].y);

            //This section only shows how to call the interface. In actual use, the actual device data should be obtained in the asynchronous event processing function and reported.
            current_map_id = 8;
            errcode = 0;
            ty_rvc_virtual_wall_data_response(p_virtual_wall, current_map_id, errcode);  

                PR_DEBUG("cmd not support now");


static OPERATE_RET __sweeper_advance_function_query(OUT ADVANCE_CMD_E cmd, OUT void *param)
    uint16_t cmd_index = 0;
        case VIRTUAL_WALL_QUERY:{
	//Use test data to show data reporting
            VIRTUAL_WALL_S test_virtual_wall;
            VIRTUAL_LINE_S virtual_line[10] = {0};
            OPERATE_RET ret = OPRT_OK;

            test_virtual_wall.num = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < test_virtual_wall.num; i++) {
                virtual_line[i].mode = FORBIT_ALL;
                virtual_line[i].points[0].x = 100;
                virtual_line[i].points[0].y = 200;
                virtual_line[i].points[1].x = 50;
                virtual_line[i].points[1].y = 60;
            test_virtual_wall.line = virtual_line;
            int current_map_id = 7;
            ty_rvc_virtual_wall_data_response(&test_virtual_wall, current_map_id, errcode);          
        PR_DEBUG("cmd not support now");
    return ret;

//Power on main process
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    OPERATE_RET ret = 0;
    ret = ty_sys_start();
    if (ret != OPRT_OK) {
        PR_ERR("[%s, %d] sys start failed", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
        return ret;

    ty_rvc_advance_func_register(__sweeper_advance_function_set, __sweeper_advance_function_query);