Gateway Failover

Last Updated on : 2024-04-18 09:24:06download

This topic describes how to implement gateway failover with Gateway Development Framework.


End users can switch to a new gateway if the current gateway fails. All the sub-device data and scene configuration on the failed device can be migrated to the new one, which frees users from setting up sub-devices and scenes all over again.

How it works

Essentially, failover is all about data backup and recovery. A gateway with failover enabled regularly backs up data to the cloud. When a hardware failure occurs, the end user can switch to a new gateway. The new gateway downloads the last backup of the failed gateway from the cloud after getting notified for data recovery.

An IoT gateway can support various connectivity protocols by interfacing a microcontroller with network modules. Therefore, the module’s data, such as wireless networks, also needs to be recovered, which depends on the used protocol or module. If you do not use Tuya’s network module, be sure the module you use supports failover.

How to

  • Call tuya_gw_replacement_enable before tuya_iot_sdk_pre_init to enable failover.
  • For gateways using Tuya’s Zigbee module, call tuya_iot_wired_wf_sdk_init to initialize the SDK, and then call tuya_gw_replacement_zigbee_init to initialize Zigbee gateway failover. There is no need to care about data backup and recovery.
  • If your gateway uses a third-party module or you want to back up and recover private data, you can register callbacks to implement backup and recovery. Call tuya_gw_replacement_register_cb to register failover callbacks. In the backup callback, call tuya_gw_flt_rpl_put_cfg_file to push the backup file. In the recovery callback, call tuya_gw_flt_rpl_get_cfg_file to extract the backup file.


Backup notification

 * @brief Apply fault replacement package notification
 * @param app_ver Application version
 * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK is success

Backup result

 * @brief Notification of the end of file backup, and the application can clear the cache file at this time
 * @param result Backup result
 * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK is success

Recovery notification

 * @brief Gateway failure replacement recovery notification application callback
 * @param app_ver Application version
 * @param errcode Recovery result, 0 means success.
 * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK is success

Phase-2 recovery notification

 * @brief Gateway failure replacement recovery step 2
 * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK is success

Recovery result

 * @brief Notification of end of recovery process
 * @param errcode Recovery result, 0 means success.
 * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK is success

API description

Enable failover

 * @brief Enable gateway replacement feature, which is disabled by default.
 * @note This API should be called before `tuya_iot_init`.
VOID tuya_gw_replacement_enable(VOID);

Initialize failover

 * @brief Initiate Zigbee NCP replacement when Tuya's Zigbee module is used.
 * @note If you use Tuya's Zigbee module, SDK will backup and restore data for Zigbee NCP, you only
 *       need to call this API to initiate it with an NCP version.
 * @param[in] version minimum NCP version that supports replacement feature.
 * @return OPRT_OK on success. For others on error, please refer to tuya_error_code.h
OPERATE_RET tuya_gw_replacement_zigbee_init(CHAR_T *version);
#define tuya_gw_user_fault_replace_init tuya_gw_replacement_zigbee_init

Extract backup file

 * @brief Extract the required files from the backup package
 * @param filename Compressed package name
 * @param dir file name to extract
 * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK is success
OPERATE_RET tuya_gw_flt_rpl_get_cfg_file(IN CONST CHAR_T *filename, IN CONST CHAR_T *dir);

Push backup file

 * @brief Fill the files that need to be backed up into the package
 * @param filename Compressed package name
 * @param dir File name to be packaged
 * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK is success
OPERATE_RET tuya_gw_flt_rpl_put_cfg_file(IN CONST CHAR_T *filename, IN CONST CHAR_T *dir);

Register failover callback

 * @brief Register gateway replacement callback, which is used for custom module.
 * @note This API should be called after `tuya_iot_init`.
 * @param[in] handler callback function.
 * @return OPRT_OK on success. For others on error, please refer to tuya_error_code.h
OPERATE_RET tuya_gw_replacement_register_cb(GW_FLT_RPL_CBS_S *handler);


STATIC OPERATE_RET __fr_backup_cb(OUT USHORT_T *app_ver)
    PR_DEBUG("fr backup");

    /* Push the file */
    tuya_gw_flt_rpl_put_cfg_file("shadow", "/etc/");
    tuya_gw_flt_rpl_put_cfg_file("passwd", "/etc/");

    return OPRT_OK;

STATIC OPERATE_RET __fr_backup_done_cb(IN INT_T result)
    PR_DEBUG("fr backup done");

    return OPRT_OK;

STATIC OPERATE_RET __fr_restore_stage1_cb(IN USHORT_T app_ver,OUT INT_T *errcode)
    PR_DEBUG("fr restore stage1");

    *errcode = 0;

    tuya_gw_flt_rpl_get_cfg_file("shadow", "/etc/");
    tuya_gw_flt_rpl_get_cfg_file("passwd", "/etc/");

    return OPRT_OK;

STATIC OPERATE_RET __fr_restore_stage2_cb(VOID)
    PR_DEBUG("fr restore stage2");

    return OPRT_OK;

STATIC OPERATE_RET __fr_restore_done_cb(IN INT_T result)
    PR_DEBUG("fr restore done");

    if (result) {
        PR_ERR("restore failed");
    } else {
        PR_DEBUG("restore success");

    return OPRT_OK;

VOID test_gw_fault_replacement(VOID)
    GW_FLT_RPL_CBS_S __gw_rf_cbs = {
        .gw_flt_rpl_back_cb                = __fr_backup_cb,
        .gw_flt_rpl_back_up_done_notify_cb = __fr_backup_done_cb,
        .gw_flt_rpl_restore_notify_cb      = __fr_restore_stage1_cb,
        .gw_flt_rpl_restore_stage2_cb      = __fr_restore_stage2_cb,
        .gw_flt_rpl_restore_done_notify_cb = __fr_restore_done_cb,

    tuya_gw_replacement_register_cb( &__gw_rf_cbs );