Preset Points

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 08:32:18download

The site favorites data point (DP) allows users to set preset points, namely a predefined image position. Thus, users can quickly view the desired image position. This component supports both light and dark themes.

This component applies to PT cameras. You must set the site favorites DP to enable this component.


Light theme

Preset Points

Dark theme

Preset Points

API description

uiIdParams: Object

Parameter Type Description Required
uiId string The target uiId. Yes

pageParams: Object

Parameter Type Description Default value Required
extraInfo Object: { themeType: ‘dark’ or ‘light’ } The additional information. {} No


// To navigate from the video preview page to the site management component, the system must listen for requests to return from the site management component to the video preview page and restart streaming.

// Navigates to the site management component.
  { uiId: '000000sdj2' },
    extraInfo: {
      // `light` indicates the light theme and `dark` indicates the dark theme. Default value: `light`.
      themeType: 'light' or 'dark'

// Listens for requests to return from the site management component to the video preview page.
   msg => {
        if(msg && msg.type === 'backToLivePreview') {
             console.log('Restart streaming')

Multilingual fields

sub_ipc_setting_site_manage: 'Site Management',
sub_ipc_live_pag_memory_point_no_data: 'No site data',
sub_ipc_live_pag_memory_point_no_gonow: 'Go Now',
sub_ipc_errmsg_memory_point_cruise: 'Non-editable in site patrol mode',
sub_ipc_request_list_loading: 'Loading...',
sub_ipc_request_list_err: 'Request error, Please check network',
sub_tryAgain: 'Click to retry',
sub_ipc_errmsg_add_memory_point_max: 'No more sites can be added. Please delete one or more sites',
sub_ipc_errmsg_deveicePonitlessTwo: 'At least two sites must be set for the current device',
sub_systemError: 'System error, please try again later',
sub_confirmDelete: 'Confirm delete?' ,
sub_cancel_btn: 'Cancel',
sub_confirm_btn: 'Confirm',
sub_ipc_memory_point_name_update: 'Edit Site Name',
sub_ipc_live_pag_memory_add_site_tip_txt: 'Please input site name',
sub_ipc_memory_point_name_is_null: 'The site name cannot be empty',
sub_ipc_memory_point_name_length_limit: 'No more than 10 characters for a site name',
sub_ipc_memory_point_number_is_limited: 'The number of site exceeds the limit',
sub_requestTimeOutErr: 'Request timed out',