Debug Product Panel

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 08:31:03download

This topic describes how to debug the panel of a product.



Debugging for iOS

  1. Click RN Panel Dev to download and install Tuya Panel TestFlight app.

    You need to open this link on your mobile phone for installation.

  2. If you have not registered an account of the app, register one and log in to the app.

    Debug Product Panel
  3. Tap Me at the bottom > Scan icon in the top right corner. The camera permission must be enabled before the scan feature can be used.

  4. Scan the QR code to open the page of RN panel debugging settings.

    Debug Product Panel
  5. Configure RN debugging parameters.

    1. Tap the switch button at the top to enable the RN debugging mode.

    2. Configure the debugging information.

      • Product ID: The PID of the product to be debugged. View the PID information on the Smart Products page of the Tuya Developer Platform.
      • Debugging IP address: The IP address of the network to which the device for debugging is connected.
      • Debugging port: Adjust the port number of the device. The port number is 8081 by default.
      • Bundle name: The name of the local Bundle. The name is index.ios.bundle by default.
  6. Go back to the homepage of the RN Panel Dev app and select a panel.

  7. Shake the mobile phone, select Reload in the dialog box, and then load the local resource package.

  8. (Optional) You can shake the mobile phone, and view the debugging log or enable Hot Reloading.

Debug panel for Android

  1. Scan the QR code for the RN Panel Dev app to install the RN Panel Dev app.
  2. Configure the debugging tool.
    1. Find and log in to application. is installed when the RN Panel Dev app is installed.

    2. Enter the IP address of the host and tap Confirm.

    3. Tap Enable RN debugging mode to start debugging.

      Debug Product Panel
    4. Debug the panel.

      1. Register and log in to the RN Panel Dev app.

      2. Scan the QR code of the created product panel to add a virtual device. For more information about getting the QR code of a virtual device, see Select the device panel.

      3. In the RN Panel Dev app, log in to the specified panel interface.

      4. Shake the mobile phone, select Reload in the dialog box, and then load the local resource package.

        Debug Product Panel
      5. (Optional) You can shake the mobile phone, and view the debugging log or enable Hot Reloading.

Operation result

The following figure shows the successful panel debugging based on examples/basic.

Debug Product Panel