DP Protocol

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 03:47:17download


Terms and definitions

For details, see Glossary.

Data direction

DP Protocol

Format Description

Field Length (bytes) Description
dp_id 1 A DP ID
dp_type 1 DP data type
dp_data_len 1 The data length of a DP
dp_data_value dp_data_len The data content of a DP

DP protocol

Feature Data direction dp_id
(1 byte)
(1 byte)
(1 byte)
Call equipment Send/report 1 bool len Operation (1 byte)
0x00: Stop calling the device
0x01: Start calling the device
Ringing volume Send/report 2 enum len Volume (1 byte)
Valid values
Ringing type Send/report 3 enum len Type (1 byte)
Valid values
Call mobile Send/report 4 bool len Operation (1 byte)
0x00: Stop calling the mobile phone
0x01: Start calling the mobile phone
Disconnect alarm Send/report 5 bool len Switch (1 byte)
0x00: Turn off the disconnection alarm
0x01: Turn on the disconnection alarm
Battery percentage Report 6 Value len Percentage (4 bytes)
0x01 to 0x64

iBeacon protocol

Format introduction

Beacon description:
Apple CompanyIdentifier (Little Endian), 0x004c
data type, 0x02 => iBeacon
data length, 0x15 = 21
uuid: tuya 16 bytes uuid
major: 0000 (major category)
minor: 0000 (small category)
meaured power at 1 meter: 0xc5 = -59 (rssi)

Note: 0000 0000 means the standard anti-lost device class, and the size class will be expanded according to the needs and scenes in the future.

Apple official description

DP Protocol