WWGA Certification

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 07:57:07download

Tuya provides a value-added service of Works with Google Assistant (WWGA) certification to help your products quickly get certified. WWGA is Google’s certification of products that support Google Assistant voice control. WWGA guarantees the reliability, responsiveness, and user experiences of voice control, and improves product credibility. The Works with Hey Google label can be printed on the packaging of WWGA-certified products, so users know that the products are officially certified by Google.


Before you subscribe to the WWGA certification service, make sure your product is in mass production and integrated with Google Assistant.

Step 1: Subscribe to the service

  1. Visit Tuya’s value-added service website.

  2. Scroll down the page and select Certification in the All Services section.

    WWGA Certification
  3. Find the WWGA Certification service and click Subscribe.

    WWGA Certification

  4. Complete the required information, select a coupon (if any), check the agreement, and then click Submit Order.

  5. After payment is completed, navigate to the page of My Order. Click Use Now to enable the service.

    WWGA Certification

Step 2: Select a product and get started

  1. Select a product.

    You have created at least one smart product on the Tuya Developer Platform. For more information about how to create a product, see Create Products. If a created product does not belong to your account, you cannot find the product using your account. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the product owner or Tuya staff.

    WWGA Certification
  2. After you start the service, navigate to the Customer Submission page. You can enter the product information required for certification.

    If you have once submitted certification information that can be shared, you can click Copy Ticket. Then, you only need to modify some of the information.

    WWGA Certification

Step 3: Enter the required information

To get your product certified with WWGA, you need to submit a request to Google and submit details and required documents. This section walks you through how to fill in the certification information. Click Submit Information after you complete the information.

  • Product Type: Select your product type, such as Light Bulb. If you cannot find the desired product type in the list, you can select Others and enter the actual product type.

  • Product sales model: Enter the sales model of your product, such as SL-11.

  • Certification area: Select the area where your products are sold. Select Global if your products are sold throughout the world.

  • Product sales country: Select one or multiple countries or regions where your products are sold. If your products are sold in a wide range of countries or regions, we recommend that you select the main sales countries or regions.

  • The main language used in the asset: Enter the main language used on the packaging, such as English.

  • Google Developer Account: If you use Tuya’s actions such as Tuya Smart or Smart Life, this field can be left empty. Otherwise, this field is required.

  • Account Password: If you use Tuya’s actions such as Tuya Smart or Smart Life, this field can be left empty. Otherwise, this field is required.

  • App Name: Enter the name of the specified app for testing. If you do not have your own app, you can choose the Tuya Smart or Smart Life app. If you need both apps, submit two certification orders.

  • Is the App released: Select as per your needs.

  • Action Name: Enter the name of your customized action (Google Assistant skill). The action shall be already published. You can view the path of an action in the following ways:

    • Method 1: Go to Google Actions Console to view the action name.

    • Method 2: If your action is completed through Tuya, you can go to the Tuya Developer Platform and choose App > OEM Voice Skill > Skill Management.

      WWGA Certification

      If you do not have a customized action, you can choose Tuya’s all-in-one Smart Life or Tuya Smart. If you need both actions to be tested, submit two certification orders. For more information about actions, see OEM Google Assistant Action.

  • Package launch time: Enter an estimated sales date for your package.

  • Product sales link or company website: Enter the information as per your needs.

  • Package upload file: If your package has not been designed yet, this field can be left empty. Reach out to Tuya’s certification staff for package design guidelines. Try to upload the PDF document. Multiple ones can be packaged and uploaded.

  • Package download link: If the package exceeds 50 MB in size, you can upload the package to online storage, generate a share link, and paste the share link here.

  • Email: Enter your email address. Tuya will notify you of the certification progress and package review status by email.

  • Do you want WWS certification: Enter the information as per your needs. For more information, see WWS Certification.

  • Remark: Enter your remarks if any.

Step 4: Wait for results

  1. After you fill in and submit the information, Tuya will review the order within one to three working days. You can check the service status and progress in Personal Center > My Service Ticket.

    WWGA Certification

    If your information is not approved, you can click View Details to check the reasons for the failure. Then, you can resubmit the information and wait for further review.

  2. After you complete the above steps, Tuya will deal with your order in time. Tuya will keep you informed of any progress.


What product categories does the WWGA certification service support?

Currently, WWGA certification supports all products using Tuya solutions, excluding contact sensors and passive infrared (PIR) sensors.

The applicable product categories might change from time to time. Please feel free to contact Tuya’s account manager for the latest information.

How long does it take to get my product certified?

It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks.

Do I need to send samples to Tuya?

  • You can send samples of the following product categories to Tuya for testing, including electrical products, lighting, curtains, heaters, fans, air purifiers, washing machines, robot vacuums without positioning features, humidifiers, air coolers, aroma diffusers, and dehumidifiers.

  • For other product categories, you need to send two samples of each product to Google, and also send one sample to Tuya for testing.

Pay attention to sample delivery requirements and regulations of the region where Google is located.

Is the service refundable?

No, it is not. Certification results and required time depend on the Google platform. The service resources invested by Tuya cannot be withdrawn.

Can I modify Google’s design drawing after the certification is approved?

No, you cannot. Note that Google has clear design specifications for product packaging. When you make product packaging, be sure to follow certified printed documentation and only use the packaging for this certified product. Do not extend the scope of use of packaging materials without authorization.

You will be held accountable by Google if you violate Google’s specifications, such as non-standardized logos, mismatching of packaging materials and product information submitted, and unallowed use beyond the scope. In this case, you need to handle any issues with Google by yourself and assume corresponding legal responsibilities. In addition, you agree to indemnify Tuya for any and all losses resulting therefrom.

Can I submit my request to Google myself?

We recommend that you request the certification from Tuya. If you submit a request to Google to get WWGA certificates for all products using the Tuya solutions, you will be directed to contact Tuya, so Tuya can assist you in completing the certification.

How can I fill in a request?

Complete the fields as instructed on the page. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your account manager or send an email to wwga-service@tuya.com.

If I modify product skills, will my previous WWGA certification still be valid?

If you modify your product skills, please contact Tuya staff to arrange new tests and WWGA certification for you.

For more information, see WWGA Certification in Help Center.