TuyaOS Matter over Wi-Fi Networked Product

Last Updated on : 2023-12-07 10:10:48download

This topic describes how to develop on top of the TuyaOS Matter over Wi-Fi Networked Product Development Framework, in terms of framework download, compilation, and flashing.


Check TuyaOS Quick Start for an introduction to TuyaOS concepts.

TuyaOS Matter over Wi-Fi SDK is a generic development framework with Matter support. It can be used to develop various types of networked devices that use Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) combo, such as electrical products, lights, door locks, and home appliances. The SDK supports both the Matter protocol and Tuya-enabled mobile apps.

Request the SDK

Navigate to the Resource Center in Tuya Wind IDE. Search for Networked Product: WiFi-BLE-Matter and request access to the latest release.


| ---apps                        #Demo app
| ---build                       #The build configuration
| ---docs                        #Docs
| ---include                    #Header files, including public headers and component headers
| ---libs                          #libtuyaos-iot/ipc/gw.a, independent linked .a file
| ---scripts                     #Tool and script
| ---build_app.sh             #Entry point to building TuyaOS projects
| ---README.md


Download the TuyaOS Matter over Wi-Fi Networked Product Development Framework and create a product development project in Tuya Wind IDE.

A demo application is provided to help you understand how to do custom development using the TuyaOS development framework. For more information, see the source code of the demo application in the apps directory. You can use the quick start guide to quickly get up and running with the demo application.

The demo application tuyaos_demo_matter_quick_start is located in the apps directory. The pin definition in the demo is based on the T2-U Development Board.


Tuya Wind IDE allows you to build user or demo applications with one click. For more information about the process, see Build System.

Alternatively, you can run commands from the terminal window in the IDE to build applications. The name of the demo application for each framework is different. Assume that the demo program is called tuyaos_demo_matter_quickstart.


./build_app.sh apps/tuyaos_demo_matter_quick_start tuyaos_demo_matter_quickstart 1.0.0

The build output is stored in ./apps/tuyaos_demo_matter_quickstart/output/.


Tuya provides a dedicated smart production system for firmware flashing and authorization in mass production. For more information, see Flash Firmware and Authorize Module.


If you have any problems with Wi-Fi product development, see the Troubleshooting documentation for detailed solutions.