Stream Videos Through Google Assistant

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 03:44:16download

This topic describes how to stream videos from IP cameras (IPCs) to Google Assistant-enabled devices. This way, users can view videos easily by talking to these devices.

What is Google Assistant?

Google Assistant is an AI-powered voice assistant launched by Google. It can assist users in a wide range of tasks. For example, search for information, perform actions, listen to voice messages, and securely control smart home devices. Users can control smart devices, such as lights, sockets, switches, air conditioners, fans, and cameras, simply by talking to Google Assistant. Users can also send messages through Google Home to remind home members. Google Assistant makes daily life more convenient.

Subscribe to capability

Step 1: Use PID to subscribe

To enable streaming to Google Assistant-enabled devices, create a product on the Tuya Developer Platform, go to the Voice Platform Integration page, and then follow the instructions to configure voice features for the Google Assistant platform.

Step 1: Use UUID to subscribe

To enable streaming to Google Assistant-enabled devices, when you purchase the license specific to a universally unique identifier (UUID), subscribe to this capability. For more information, see IPC Video Stream Pushing.

Integrate with capability

Bind component


Report audio and video encoding parameters

Use the following API in tuya_ipc_media_adapter.h to register parameters about audio and video specifications.

OPERATE_RET tuya_ipc_media_adapter_set_media_info(INT_T device, INT_T channel, DEVICE_MEDIA_INFO_T media_info)

Use the following API in tuya_ipc_media_stream.h to initialize the media streaming service. Google Assistant features are built into the media streaming service.

OPERATE_RET tuya_ipc_media_stream_init(MEDIA_STREAM_VAR_T *stream_var)

During the initialization process, TuyaOS reports the audio and video encoding parameters to the cloud to enable Google Assistant-compatible streaming.

Access media source

TuyaOS ring buffer holds the video data for streaming to Google Assistant-enable devices. Note that H.264 video data must be streamed through the second video channel.


What can I do if devices cannot be found or videos cannot be streamed?

  1. Check whether you have subscribed to the Google Assistant-compatible streaming capability for your PID and UUID.
  2. Check whether videos that are streamed through the second video channel are encoded in the H.264 format.
  3. If the problem persists, submit a ticket to request technical support from Tuya.