Account Types

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 07:16:21download

Tuya Developer Platform and other Tuya’s organization-oriented websites can be visited with the same Tuya developer account. Tuya makes every effort to serve you with optimal and accurate experiences and processes. For this purpose, the developer accounts are classified into the individual developer and organization types. This topic describes the definitions, benefits, scenarios, and other information about both types of accounts. You can choose between them as needed.

Individual developer

This type of account applies to individuals who want to get started with product development, app development, and more development solutions. In this case, the individuals are not organization entities or do not intend to work with Tuya as an organization entity.

Account benefits

  • Access Product, App, Cloud, Data, Operation, and other resources on the platform. You can achieve all features required throughout the development, including user experience design, debugging, and release of smart product prototypes and apps.
  • Leverage generic features respecting account management, authorization, technical support, documentation, and more.
  • Place purchase orders as an individual.
  • Trade without the need to sign a transaction contract online or offline. Commodities can be purchased and used without additional required procedures.


  • Only online payment methods are supported. Offline transfers are not supported.
  • Individual or organization general value-added tax (VAT) invoices, rather than special VAT invoices, can be requested during transactions.
  • Certain features that are exclusive to organization accounts may not be available or have limited usage. See the comparison below for details.


This type of account applies to developers, purchasers, brand managers, and project managers who work with Tuya as organization entities.

Currently, an organization account can be obtained only after your account passes the specified organization verification. Based on the country or region to which an account belongs, automatic verification of a business banking account and manual reviews are available for you to complete organization verification. For more information, see Organization Verification.

Account benefits

  • Access both the benefits for individual developers and certain features exclusive to organizations.
  • Entitled to higher usage limits for specific features, as well as access to advanced content templates.
  • Place purchase orders as an organization.
  • Sign transaction contacts and get special VAT invoices.
  • Extend business cooperation with Tuya. For example, get Tuya’s comprehensive support programs for distribution and channels and become a merchant.


  • All transaction orders, contracts, and invoice headers must be consistent with the certified organization information.

Comparison of account types

Account Types

Change account type

Go to My Account > Basic Information > Account Type, you can view your account type.

  • For an individual developer, you can change the account type to Organization.

  • For an organization account, the account type cannot be changed.

    Account Types

Authorize across account types

Tuya’s developer accounts can be authorized. For more information, see Account Authorization in Organization Space. If an account is authorized to be used in a space, the permissions and limits of this account are determined by the type of the main account of the space.

For example, Account B recognized as an organization is authorized to access Account A recognized as an individual developer. When Account B is used to operate in a space of Account A, the permissions and limits of Account B follow the rules for an individual developer account. When Account B is used to operate in its own space, Account B is granted permissions of an organization account.