Integration with Building Automation Devices

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 02:25:30download

This topic describes how to integrate a building automation (BA) system with the Tuya Developer Platform.


We provide the following solution to help brand owners connect a BA system to the Tuya Developer Platform by using Tuya IoT Edge Gateway. The architecture is shown as follows:

Integration with Building Automation Devices

Integration protocol

During communications over the MQTT protocol, the BA gateway works as a client, and Tuya IoT Edge Gateway works as a broker.

Development guide

Register an account on the Tuya Developer Platform, create a product, and define product functions. For more information, see Create Products.

The following table lists the specified properties of BA sub-systems for your reference.

BA power transmission and distribution system

DP ID DP name Identifier Data transfer type Data type DP property
1 Report phase-A voltage, current, and power phase_a Report only (read-only) raw /
2 Report phase-B voltage, current, and power phase_b Report only (read-only) raw /
3 Report phase-C voltage, current, and power phase_c Report only (read-only) raw /
4 Phase-A temperature phase_a_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
5 Phase-B temperature phase_b_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
6 Phase-C temperature phase_c_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
7 Neutral wire current cur_neutral Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: A
8 Uab line voltage uab_line_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
9 Ubc line voltage ubc_line_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
10 Uca line voltage uca_line_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
11 Apparent power power_apparent Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kV
12 Power factor power_factor Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
13 Communication status comm_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: online and offline.
15 On/off status on_off_state Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values.
  • closed_opened: being opened.
  • closing: being closed.
16 Switch switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
17 Actual power power_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: W
18 Actual voltage voltage_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
19 Maximum current current_max Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: A
20 Actual current cur_current Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: A
21 Actual temperature temp_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
22 Undervoltage value voltage_under Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
23 Overvoltage value voltage_over Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
24 Leakage alarm value leakage_warn_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: mA
25 Leakage fault value leakage_fault_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: mA
26 Leakage current leakage_current Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: mA
27 Leakage protection leakage_protection Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values.
  • no_leak_pro_without_value: no leakage protection, without leakage value displayed.
  • no_leak_pro_with_value: no leakage protection, with leakage value displayed.
  • leak_pro_with_value: leakage protection, with leakage value displayed.
28 Enabling switch switch_enabled Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
29 Overcurrent duration over_current_duration Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: second (s)
31 Device alarm device_alarm Report only (read-only) string /
39 Leakage action value leakage_action_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
40 Over-temperature value over_temp_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
41 Overvoltage and undervoltage protection time over_vol_protect_time Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: min
42 Overvoltage and undervoltage protection recovery time over_vol_recovery_time Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: min
43 Daily electricity consumption data daily_energy Send and report (read-write) raw /
44 On/off times switch_times Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
45 Number of times a short circuit happened short_times Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
46 Total electricity electric_total Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW·h
47 Daily electricity consumption electric_daily Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW·h
48 Monthly electricity consumption electric_month Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW·h
49 Remaining electricity residual_electricity Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW
50 Power limit power_limit Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: W
51 Electricity consumption alert value electric_warm_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW
52 Forward total active electricity forward_energy_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW
53 Reactive electricity energy_reactive Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW
58 Switch status switch_state Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
59 Total active electricity active_energy_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW
60 Bus coupler status bus_coupler_state Report only (read-only) raw /
61 Incoming line status incoming_line_state Report only (read-only) raw /
62 Active power power_effective Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW
63 Reactive power power_reactive Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
64 Frequency supply_frequency Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
65 Online status state Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: online and offline.
66 Voltage battery_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
67 Pipe network pressure pressure_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: Mpa
68 Running status status Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: run and stop.
69 Monthly electricity consumption data month_energy Report only (read-only) raw /
70 Oil level oil_level Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m
71 Mode mode Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: manual, auto, and close.
72 Spraying status spray_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: opening and closing.
73 Status of fireman’s switch fire_switch_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: opening and closing.
74 Current unbalance cur_unbalance Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
75 Line voltage unbalance l_vol_unbalance Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
76 Phase voltage unbalance p_vol_unbalance Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
77 Leakage status leakage_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: normal and alarm.
78 Residual current cur_residual Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: A
79 Phase-N temperature phase_n_temp Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C

BA cold and heat source system

DP ID DP name Identifier Data transfer type Data type DP property
1 Status status Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: run and stop.
2 Mode mode Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: auto and manual.
3 Total running time runtime_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: min
4 Pressure value pressure_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: Mpa
5 Water temperature water_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
6 Water flow water_flow Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
7 Outdoor temperature temp_outdoor Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
8 Outdoor humidity humidity_outdoor Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
9 Water flow status flow_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: run and stop.
10 Valve status valve_state Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: fully_open and partially_open.
11 Fault alarm fault Send and report (read-write) bitmap The fault values.
  • high_temp: high temperature alert.
  • low_temp: low temperature alert.
  • lack_water: water shortage alert.
12 Water valve feedback water_valve_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
13 Valve check valve_check Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
14 Bypass valve bypass_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
15 Water valve water_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
16 Electric butterfly valve switch butterfly_valve_switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
17 Differential pressure pressure_dif Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
18 Trip status trip_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: normal and device_alarm.
19 Instantaneous flow rate flow_rate_instant_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
20 Total flow rate flowrate_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
21 Communication status comm_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: online and offline.
22 Flowing velocity flow_velocity Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3

BA firefighting system

DP ID DP name Identifier Data transfer type Data type DP property
1 Communication status comm_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: online and offline.
2 Li1 status li_state_1 Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: opening and closing.
3 Li2 status li_state_2 Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: opening and closing.
4 Li3 status li_state_3 Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: opening and closing.
5 Li4 status li_state_4 Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: opening and closing.
6 Li5 status li_state_5 Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: opening and closing.
7 Li6 status li_state_6 Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: opening and closing.
8 Li7 status li_state_7 Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: opening and closing.
9 Li8 status li_state_8 Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: opening and closing.
10 Indoor temperature temp_indoor Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
11 Sensor probe sensor_probe Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: normal and device_alarm.
12 Indoor humidity humidity_indoor Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
13 Liquid depth liquid_depth Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m
14 Battery voltage battery_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
15 Water detector status watersensor_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: alarm and normal.
16 Pressure value pressure_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: Mpa
17 Inlet water temperature inlet_temp_1 Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
18 Contact sensor status doorcontact_state Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
19 Light illuminance illuminance_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
20 Fault alarm fault Report only (read-only) bitmap The enumeration values.
  • water_high: alert of high water level.
  • fault: fault.

BA air conditioning system

DP ID DP name Identifier Data transfer type Data type DP property
1 Switch status switch_state Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
2 Communication status comm_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: online and offline.
3 Actual current cur_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: A
4 Actual temperature temp_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
5 Target temperature target_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
6 Speed level fan_level Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: level_1, level_2, level_3, level_4, and level_5.
7 Switch switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
8 Mode mode Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: auto, colding, hot, air, and dehumidify.
9 Vertical swing flap switch switch_vertical Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
10 Horizontal swing flap switch switch_horizontal Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
11 Fault alarm fault Report only (read-only) bitmap The fault values.
  • fault: fault.
  • fan_filter_low: primary filter alert.
  • filter_alarm: filter alert.
  • fan_filter_med: medium filter alert.
  • freeze_pro_alarm: anti-freeze switch alert.
  • blower_alarm: air blower alert.
  • return_fan_alarm: return fan alert.
  • failure_alarm: failure alert.
12 Air supply temperature supply_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
13 Air supply humidity humidity_supply Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
14 Water valve feedback water_valve_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
15 Status state Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: auto and manual.
16 Primary filter switch first_filter_switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
17 Fan filter switch fan_filter_switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
18 Water valve water_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
19 Humidification valve hum_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
20 Fresh air valve switch freshair_valve_switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
21 Air exhaust valve exhaust_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
22 Instantaneous flow rate flow_rate_instant_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
23 Total flow rate flowrate_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
24 Flow rate flow_velocity Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m/s
25 Indoor temperature temp_indoor Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
26 Indoor humidity humidity_indoor Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
27 Inlet water temperature inlet_temp_1 Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
28 Outlet water temperature outlet_temp_1 Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
29 Inlet water temperature inlet_temp_f Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
30 Effluent water temperature effluent_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C

BA motor facility & device system

DP ID DP name Identifier Data transfer type Data type DP property
1 Switch status switch_state Report only (read-only) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
2 Running mode mode Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: manual and auto.
3 Fault alarm fault Report only (read-only) bitmap The fault values.
  • fault: fault.
  • fan_filter_low: primary filter alert.
  • filter_alarm: filter alert.
  • freeze_pro_alarm: anti-freeze switch alert.
4 Switch switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
5 Battery voltage battery_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
6 Temperature setting temp_set Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
7 CO2 detection value eco2_set Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: ppm
8 Air blower frequency frequency_conversion Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
9 Frequency feedback of air blower frequency converter fre_conversion_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
10 Humidification valve hum_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
11 Humidification valve feedback hum_valve_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
12 Water valve water_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
13 Water valve feedback water_valve_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
14 Fresh air valve adjustment freshair_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
15 AI fresh air valve feedback ai_freshair_valve_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
16 Fresh air temperature temp_fresh Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
17 Fresh air humidity humidity_fresh Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
18 Anti-freeze switch detection antifreeze Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
19 Primary filter switch first_filter_switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
20 Fan filter switch fan_filter_switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
21 Air supply temperature supply_temp Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
22 Air supply humidity humidity_supply Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
23 Indoor carbon dioxide ico2_ndoor_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
24 Indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) voc_indoor_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
25 Oil level oil_level Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m
26 Remaining oil oil_remain Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m3
27 Total tank capacity capacity_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: L
28 Report phase-A voltage, current, and power phase_a Report only (read-only) raw /
29 Report phase-B voltage, current, and power phase_b Report only (read-only) raw /
30 Report phase-C voltage, current, and power phase_c Report only (read-only) raw /
31 Uab line voltage uab_line_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 2
  • Unit: V
32 Ubc line voltage ubc_line_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
33 Uca line voltage uca_line_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
34 Single-phase active power sigle_phase_power Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
35 Power factor power_factor Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
36 Apparent power power_apparent Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
37 Total active electricity active_energy_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
38 Grid power supply frequency supply_frequency Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
39 Actual temperature temp_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
40 Monthly electricity consumption electric_month Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW·h
41 Pressure value pressure_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: Mpa

BA water supply system

DP ID DP name Identifier Data transfer type Data type DP property
1 Communication status comm_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: online and offline.
2 Water level setting water_set Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: L
3 Battery voltage battery_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
4 Water detector status watersensor_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: water_leak_sensor and normal.
5 Water pressure of the system water_pressure Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
6 Frequency conversion feedback fre_conversion_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
7 Switch status switch_state Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
8 Fault alarm fault Report only (read-only) bitmap The fault values: water_low, water_high, water_low_max, and high_level.
9 Mode mode Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: manual and auto.
10 Valve check valve_check Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
11 Frequency conversion frequency_conversion Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
12 Switch switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
13 Electric butterfly valve switch butterfly_valve_switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
14 Working status work_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: run and stop.
15 Total running time runtime_total Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: min
16 Pressure value pressure_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: Kpa
17 Overload trip status of water pump trip_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: normal and device_alarm.
18 Water capacity water_capacity Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: L
19 Inlet water temperature inlet_temp_1 Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
20 Outlet water temperature outlet_temp_1 Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
21 Water flow water_flow Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
22 Report phase-A voltage, current, and power phase_a Report only (read-only) raw voltage indicates the voltage, current indicates the current, power indicates the power, and electricity indicates the electric power.
“voltage”:“”, // The voltage
“current”:“”, // The current
“power”:“” // The power
“electricity”:“”// The electric power
23 Report phase-B voltage, current, and power phase_b Report only (read-only) raw voltage indicates the voltage, current indicates the current, power indicates the power, and electricity indicates the electric power.
“voltage”:“”, // The voltage
“current”:“”, // The current
“power”:“” // The power
“electricity”:“”// The electric power
24 Report phase-C voltage, current, and power phase_c Report only (read-only) raw voltage indicates the voltage, current indicates the current, power indicates the power, and electricity indicates the electric power.
“voltage”:“”, // The voltage
“current”:“”, // The current
“power”:“” // The power
“electricity”:“”// The electric power
25 Phase-A temperature phase_a_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
26 Phase-B temperature phase_b_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
27 Phase-C temperature phase_c_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
28 Effective power power_effective Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
29 Power factor power_factor Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
30 Grid power supply frequency supply_frequency Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
31 Total active electricity active_energy_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
32 Temperature irac_temperature Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
33 Noise noise_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: dB
34 Daily electricity consumption data daily_energy Report only (read-only) raw /
35 Monthly electricity consumption data month_energy Report only (read-only) raw /

BA ventilation system

DP ID DP name Identifier Data transfer type Data type DP property
1 Air supply temperature supply_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
2 Air supply humidity humidity_supply Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
3 Return air temperature temp_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
4 Return air humidity humidity_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
5 Air exhaust valve feedback exhaust_valve_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
6 Water valve feedback water_valve_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
7 Indoor temperature temp_indoor Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
8 Indoor humidity humidity_indoor Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
9 Gust speed windspeed_gust Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m/s
10 Frequency conversion feedback fre_conversion_return Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
11 Switch status switch_state Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
12 Fault alarm fault Send and report (read-write) bitmap The fault values.
  • fault: fault.
  • fan_filter_low: primary filter alert.
  • fan_filter_med: medium filter alert.
  • filter_alarm: filter alert.
  • freeze_pro_alarm: anti-freeze switch alert.
  • fan_dif_pre: differential pressure alert of fan.
13 Primary filter switch first_filter_switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1
14 Fan filter switch fan_filter_switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
15 Bypass valve bypass_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
16 Frequency conversion frequency_conversion Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
17 Water valve water_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
18 Humidification valve hum_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
19 Return air valve adjustment returnair_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
20 Switch switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
21 Fresh air valve switch freshair_valve_switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
22 Air exhaust valve exhaust_valve_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
23 Humidification wet Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
24 Status status Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: normal, stop, and device_fault.
25 Mode mode Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: auto and manual.
26 Total running time runtime_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: min

BA environmental monitoring system

DP ID DP name Identifier Data transfer type Data type DP property
2 Air speed windspeed_gust Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m/s
3 Wind wind_power Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
4 Wind direction wind_direct Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values.
  • north: north.
  • north_north_east: north northeast.
  • north_east: northeast.
  • east_north_east: east northeast.
  • east: east.
  • east_south_east: east southeast.
  • south_east: southeast.
  • south_south_east: south southeast.
  • south: south.
  • south_south_west: south southwest.
  • south_west: southwest.
  • west_south_west: west southwest.
  • west: west.
  • west_north_west: west northwest.
  • north_west: northwest.
  • north_north_west: north northwest.
5 Wind direction value wind_direct_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
6 Temperature, humidity, EC, and pH value of soil 1 soil_data_1 Report only (read-only) raw /
7 Temperature, humidity, EC, and pH value of soil 2 soil_data_2 Report only (read-only) raw /
8 Temperature, humidity, EC, and pH value of soil 3 soil_data_3 Report only (read-only) raw /
9 Temperature, humidity, EC, and pH value of soil 4 soil_data_4 Report only (read-only) raw /
10 Outdoor humidity humidity_outdoor Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
11 Outdoor temperature temp_outdoor Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
12 Noise noise_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: dB
13 Atmospheric pressure atmospheric_pressture Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: Kpa
14 Lighting intensity light_intensity Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: lux
15 Rainy and snowy status rain_snow_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: snowy and normal.
16 Ultraviolet index uv_index Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
17 Total radiation radiation_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
18 Photosynthetically active radiation radiation_pho Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
19 Cumulative rainfall rain_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: mm
20 Actual rainfall rain_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: mm
21 Instantaneous rainfall rain_instant Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: mm
22 1-hour rainfall rain_1h Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: mm
23 O3 detection value o3_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: ppm
24 CO detection value co_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: ppm
25 SO2 detection value so2_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: ppm
26 O2 detection value o2_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
27 H2S detection value h2s_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: ppm
28 Evaporation amount evap_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
29 PM2.5 detection value pm25_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: ug/m3
30 PM10 pm10 Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: ug/m3
31 Nitrogen nitrogen_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
32 Phosphorus phosphorus_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
33 Potassium potassium_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
34 Negative oxygen ion air_anion_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
35 NH3 detection value nh3_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
36 VOC detection value voc_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
37 Power status setting relay_status Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: on and off.
38 Status state Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: run and stop.
39 Residual chlorine detection value ppm_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
40 pH Value ph Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
41 Water quality water_quality Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: normal and alarm.
42 Turbidity turbidity_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
43 Actual temperature temp_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
44 Fault alarm fault Report only (read-only) bitmap The fault values: fault, sensor_fault, and amb_temp_fault.
45 Temperature irac_temperature Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
46 Humidity humidity Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
47 Air quality air_quality_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
49 Battery capacity battery_percentage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: %
50 NO2 detection value no2_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: ppm
51 CO2 detection value co2_value Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: ppm
52 Remaining height height Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3

BA lighting system

DP ID DP name Identifier Data transfer type Data type DP property
1 Communication status comm_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: online and offline.
2 Switch switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
3 Group control switch group_control_switch Send and report (read-write) string /
4 Group control light group_control_light Send and report (read-write) string /
5 Group group Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
6 Monitoring status reporting monitor_state_report Send and report (read-write) string /
7 Light switch lamp_switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
8 Brightness value bright_value Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
9 Actual current cur_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: A
10 Actual voltage voltage_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
11 Actual power power_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: W

BA elevator system

DP ID DP name Identifier Data transfer type Data type DP property
1 Door status door_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: openning and closing.
2 Upstream and downstream status vertical_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values.
  • upstream: The elevator is going up.
  • downstream: The elevator is going down.
  • stop_layer: The elevator stops at a floor.
3 Running status status Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: run and stop.
4 Actual floor floor_current_data Report only (read-only) raw /
5 Human presence status have_none_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values.
  • someone: Someone is in the elevator.
  • unmanned: No one is in the elevator.
6 Elevator call call_elevator Send and report (read-write) string /
7 Movement speed speed_realtime Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m/s
8 Top temperature top_temp Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -100 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
9 Passive infrared (PIR) sensor status pir_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration value: pir.
10 Fault alarm fault Report only (read-only) bitmap The fault values.
  • door_re_alarm: The door is repeatedly opened and closed.
  • door_failure_alarm: The door is not opened.
  • door_run_alarm: The elevator is running with the door open.
  • trapped_alarm: Someone is trapped inside the elevator.
  • door_too_long_alarm: The door is not closed after a specified time period.
  • summit_attempt: The elevator rushes to the top.
  • squatting: The elevator rushes to the bottom.
  • speeding: The elevator exceeds the maximum speed limit.
  • power_down: The elevator is powered down.
  • stuck_layer_fault: The elevator gets stuck at a floor.
  • elevator_fault: An elevator fault occurs.
  • not_open_time: The door does not open within a specified time period.
  • power_fault: A power supply fault occurs.
  • fire_alarm: An electric arc alarm is triggered.
  • battery_car_alarm: An electric vehicle enters the elevator.
11 Communication status comm_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: online and offline.
12 Actual current cur_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: A
13 Report phase-A voltage, current, and power phase_a Report only (read-only) raw /
14 Report phase-B voltage, current, and power phase_b Report only (read-only) raw /
15 Report phase-C voltage, current, and power phase_c Report only (read-only) raw /
16 Uab line voltage uab_line_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
17 Ubc line voltage ubc_line_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
18 Uca line voltage uca_line_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
19 Actual voltage voltage_current Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
20 Effective power power_effective Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW
21 Reactive power power_reactive Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
22 Apparent power power_apparent Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW
23 Forward total active electricity forward_energy_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kW
24 Water detector status watersensor_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration value: water_leak_sensor.
25 Indoor temperature temp_indoor Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
26 Indoor humidity humidity_indoor Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
27 Unlock and lock status sensor sensor_probe Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: openning and closing.
28 Laser ranging distance target_dis_closest Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: mm
29 Sensor mode sensor_choose Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values: device_alarm and normal.
30 Total occurrences times_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
31 Sensor status sensor_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: device_alarm and normal.
32 Reference running height height Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: mm
33 Daily electricity consumption data daily_energy Report only (read-only) raw /
34 Monthly electricity consumption data month_energy Report only (read-only) raw /
35 Battery voltage battery_voltage Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: V
36 Total distance distance_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: mm
37 Actual load load_current Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: kg
38 Overload status overweight_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values.
  • upper_alarm: Exceed the upper limit.
  • normal: Normal.
39 Parallel status parallel_state Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration value: normal.
40 Machine room temperature com_room_temp Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
41 Floor of getting stuck stuck_layer Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: -10 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
42 Open times open_times Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
43 Maintenance status maintenance_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration value.
  • detecting: Detection is in progress.
  • check_success: Detection is successful.
  • check_failure: Detection failed.
44 Gate locking status gate_lock_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: opening and closing.
45 Alarm bell status alarm_bell_state Report only (read-only) enum The enumeration values: alarm and normal.

BA smart water meter system

DP ID DP name Identifier Data transfer type Data type DP property
1 Inlet water temperature inlet_temp_1 Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
2 Outlet water temperature outlet_temp_1 Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: -200 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: °C
3 Water flow water_flow Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
4 Switch switch Send and report (read-write) bool Value range: 0 and 1.
5 Fault alarm fault Report only (read-only) bitmap The fault values.
  • flow_fault: A water flow fault occurs.
  • abnormal_water_alarm: Water consumption is unusual.
  • meter_body_alarm: A hardware fault of the smart water meter occurs.
  • pump_blocked: The water pump is blocked.
  • flow_low: The water flow rate is too low.
6 Usage of shared cold water cold_stall_userdata Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
7 Sharing type of cold water cold_stall_type Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values.
  • square_area: the area in square meters.
  • ignore: ignore.
  • consumption: consumption.
  • proportion: proportion.
  • lease: lease.
  • power: power.
8 Usage of shared hot water hot_stall_userdata Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
9 Sharing type of hot water hot_stall_type Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values.
  • square_area: the area in square meters.
  • ignore: ignore.
  • consumption: consumption.
  • proportion: proportion.
  • lease: lease.
  • power: power.
10 Valve openness valve_open_degree Send and report (read-write) value
  • Value range: -400 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: %
11 Valve status valve_state Send and report (read-write) enum The enumeration values.
  • opened: The valve is opened.
  • closed: The valve is closed.
  • opening: The valve is being opened.
  • closing: The valve is being closed.
12 Total monthly water consumption monthly_water_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m3
13 Total daily water consumption daily_water_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m3
14 First reading of a day d_begin_water_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m3
15 Last reading of a day d_end_water_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m3
16 First reading time of a day d_begin_time Report only (read-only) string /
17 Last reading time of a day d_end_time Report only (read-only) string /
18 First reading of a month m_begin_water_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m3
19 Last reading of a month m_end_water_total Report only (read-only) value
  • Value range: 0 to 999999999
  • Pitch: 1
  • Scale: 3
  • Unit: m3
20 First reading time of a month m_begin_time Send and report (read-write) string /
21 Last reading time of a month m_end_time Send and report (read-write) string /

API reference

Device MQTT API reference

An MQTT message consists of a fixed header, variable header, and payload.

For more information about the format of fixed headers and variable headers, see MQTT Specification. The format of the payload is defined by Tuya as follows.

The MQTT syntax and API details shall conform to MQTT Specification.

Common MQTT message types include CONNECT, SUBSCRIBE, and PUBLISH.

  • CONNECT: A client requests a connection to a server. It is the main parameter of a payload. For more information, see Connection authentication.
  • SUBSCRIBE: A client requests to subscribe to a specified topic. For more information about the topic name in a payload, see the specified topic whose subscriber is a device in the Topic definition.
  • PUBLISH: The platform publishes messages.
    • The Topic name in a variable header refers to a specified topic whose publisher is a device during reporting to the Tuya Developer Platform. For more information, see Topic definition.
    • The main parameter in a payload is the complete message content between the device and the platform. It is currently a JSON object.


  • An uplink topic indicates that the device sends a request to the platform, reports data, or replies with a response.
  • A downlink topic means that the platform sends commands to the device or replies with a response.
  • After the device establishes a connection with the platform, the device must subscribe to the downlink topic. Otherwise, the device will not be able to receive the command or response sent by the platform.

Communication between the device and the platform

The device connects to and communicates with Tuya IoT Edge Gateway. The following figure shows how the communications between the device, Tuya IoT Edge Gateway, and Tuya Developer Platform work.

Integration with Building Automation Devices

The device reports data to Tuya IoT Edge Gateway

The device connects to and communicates with Tuya IoT Edge Gateway. The device can report data to the platform in the following ways.

  • Device property reporting: The device reports property data to the platform in the format defined in the product model.

The application server sends commands to the device.

After the connection is established, Tuya IoT Edge Gateway can send commands to the device as follows.

  • Platform command sending: The application server sends control commands to the device in a format defined in the product model.

Topic definition

After the device connects to Tuya IoT Edge Gateway over the MQTT protocol, the platform communicates with the device through topics. The following table lists the preset topics:

Type Topic Publisher Subscriber Purpose
Device sync topic gateway_id/{gateway_id}/devices/sync Device Platform Activate devices.
Device sync topic gateway_id/{gateway_id}/devices/sync/response Platform Device The platform returns an activation response.
Device command topic gateway_id/{gateway_id}/commands Platform Device The platform sends commands to the device.
Device command topic gateway_id/{gateway_id}/commands/response Device Platform The device returns a command response.
Device property topic gateway_id/{gateway_id}/properties/report Device Platform Report device properties.
Device property topic gateway_id/{gateway_id}/properties/report/response Platform Device The platform returns a response to property reporting.
Device online/offline topic gateway_id/{gateway_id}/devices/status Device Platform Report device online and offline events.

{gateway_id} is used to identify the target device of the topic route. When the device subscribes to the topic or sends messages to the topic, this value needs to be replaced with the gateway ID used when the device establishes an MQTT connection with the platform.

QoS level setting

The MQTT protocol specifies the quality of service (QoS) to ensure the reliability of message delivery in different network environments. The MQTT protocol has designed three QoS levels.

  • QoS 0: The message is delivered at most once. If the client is unavailable at that time, the message will be lost.
  • QoS 1: The message is delivered at least once.
  • QoS 2: The message is delivered exactly once.

The higher the QoS level, the more complex the process, and the greater the consumption of system resources. Applications can choose the appropriate QoS level based on the network scenarios and business requirements.

We recommend that you set the QoS level to 1 for message publishing and subscription during third-party device integration.

Connection authentication

Interface description

On the Tuya Developer Platform, devices support the connect message interface of the MQTT protocol. After the authentication is passed, the MQTT connection between the device and the platform is established.

Parameter Required Type Description
broker Yes String The IP address of Tuya IoT Edge Gateway, to be provided by Tuya.
port Yes String The TCP port number is 58090 and the SSL/TLS port number is 21883.
clientId Yes String The unique ID of a specified third-party gateway.
username Yes String The username to identify a third-party manufacturer, to be provided by Tuya.
password Yes String The value of a password is generated using the MD5 encryption algorithm. For more information, see password generation rules.

SSL/TLS is a one-way authentication mode.

Password generation rules

Concatenate the clientId and username variables, and then encrypt the concatenated variables with the MD5 encryption algorithm.

The following sample shows how to generate a connection password for Go.

func generatePassword() string {
	var (
			clientId string
			username string
			password string
	// clientId username   Assign values first
	password = md5V(clientId + username)
	return password

// MD5 encryption algorithm function
func md5V(str string) string {
	h := md5.New()
	return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))

Return code of native MQTT protocol

The following table lists the return codes when a device establishes a connection to the platform over the native MQTT protocol.

Return code Identifier Description Reason
0x00 connection accepted The connection is successful. The connection is successful.
0x01 unacceptable protocol version The request is rejected because the protocol version is incorrect. The server does not support the MQTT protocol version, based on which the client sends the request.
0x02 identifier rejected The request is rejected because the client identifier is invalid. The clientId is not in the required format or the heartbeat interval does not meet the platform requirements.
0x03 server unavailable The request is rejected because the server is unavailable. The platform service is unavailable.
0x04 bad user name or password The request is rejected because the username or password is incorrect. The username or password is incorrect.
0x05 not authorized The request is rejected because the client is not authorized. The client is not authorized to establish a connection.

Synchronize devices

It is used for device synchronization. After the device gateway is connected to the MQTT server of Tuya IoT Edge Gateway, send the device synchronization command. Then, Tuya IoT Edge Gateway will add or update devices based on the reported device data.

Sub-devices must be synchronized before subsequent operations. Otherwise, the system will return an error message to indicate that devices cannot be found.


  • Uplink: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/devices/sync

  • Downlink: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/devices/sync/response

Uplink parameters
Field Required Type Description
t Yes Integer The Unix timestamp.
request_id Yes String The identifier of a specified request. We recommend that the request identifier be generated by using the UUID algorithm.
param Yes Object The object.
param.cid Yes String The ID of a specified third-party device, to be defined by the device. It can be a unique readable identifier of the device, such as device SN or IMEI.
param.product_id Yes String The ID of a specified product.
param.vendor_code Optional String The code of a specified manufacturer.
param.comm_type Optional String The communication mode between a device and a gateway. Enter MQTT.
param.device_ip Optional String The IP address of a specified device.
param.mac_address Optional String The MAC address of a specified device.
param.device_desc Optional String The description of a specified device.
param.install_location Optional String The installation location of a specified device.
param.device_server_id Optional String The ID of a specified device server.
param.product_sub_type Optional String The sub-type of a specified product.
Downlink parameters
Field Required Type Description
t Yes Integer The Unix timestamp.
request_id Yes String The unique identifier of a request.
param Yes Object The object.
param.cid Yes String The CID of a specified device.
param.msg Yes String The error message. See Global error codes.
param.code Yes Integer The execution result of a specified command. If the result is 0, it indicates success. All other values indicate failure.
Sample of uplink parameters
Topic: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/devices/sync
Data format:
        "product_id":"sie4***",// Enter the PID of a specified product
        "vendor_code":"",// The code of a specified device manufacturer
Sample of downlink parameters
Topic: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/devices/sync/response
Data format:

Device commands

Send a command from the platform

Send a device control command from the platform to a specified smart device. After the command is sent, the device needs to return the execution result to the platform in time. If the device does not respond, the platform will consider the command execution timed out.


  • Downlink: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/commands

  • Uplink: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/commands/response

Downlink request parameters
Field Required Type Description
t Yes Integer The Unix timestamp.
cid Yes String The ID of a specified third-party device, to be defined by the device. It can be a unique readable identifier of the device, such as device SN or IMEI.
request_id Yes String The identifier of a specified request. We recommend that the request identifier be generated by using the UUID algorithm.
param Yes Object The object. Yes String The ID of a specified data point.
param.value Yes Not fixed The execution parameters of device commands.
Uplink response parameters

Respond the command in JSON format.

Field Required Type Description
t Yes Integer The Unix timestamp.
cid Yes String The ID of a specified third-party device, to be defined by the device. It can be a unique readable identifier of the device, such as device SN or IMEI.
request_id Yes String The unique identifier of a specified request. We recommend that the request identifier be generated with the UUID algorithm.
param Yes Object The object.
param.msg Yes String The execution result. Enter success to indicate a successful execution.
param.code Yes Integer The execution result of a specified command. If the result is 0, it indicates success. All other values indicate failure.
Sample downlink request
Topic: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/commands
Data format:
  "cid": "92dda538fc2e636fd4b0***",
  "param": {
    "value": "1"
Sample uplink response
Topic: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/commands/response
Data format:
  "param": {
    "msg": "success",

Device properties

Report device properties

The device reports property data to the platform in the format defined in the product model. After receiving the reported message, the platform will return the execution result to the device.


  • Uplink: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/properties/report

  • Downlink: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/properties/report/response

Uplink parameters
Field Required Type Description
t Yes Integer The UTC timestamp when a device connects to the platform.
request_id Yes String The unique identifier of a specified request. We recommend that the request identifier be generated with the UUID algorithm.
param Yes Object The object.
param.cid Yes String The ID of a specified third-party device, to be defined by the device. It can be a unique readable identifier of the device, such as device SN or IMEI.
param.product_id Yes String product_id: the ID of your product. Yes String The ID of a specified data point.
param.value Yes Refer to the DP type The property value of a specified device.
Downlink parameters
Field Required Type Description
t Yes Integer The Unix timestamp.
request_id Yes String The unique identifier of a request.
param Yes Object The object.
param.cid Yes String The ID of a specified third-party device, to be defined by the device. It can be a unique readable identifier of the device, such as device SN or IMEI.
param.msg Yes String The error message. See Global error codes.
param.code Yes Integer The execution result of a specified command. If the result is 0, it indicates success. All other values indicate failure.
Sample of uplink parameters
Sample of downlink parameters
Topic: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/properties/report/response
Data format:

Report device online and offline event

Report device online and offline events

The device gateway needs to regularly synchronize the device’s online and offline status to the Tuya IoT Edge Gateway. We recommend that the status of the sub-devices be reported at least once every minute.


Uplink: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/devices/status

Uplink parameters
Field Required Type Description
t Yes Integer The UTC timestamp when a device connects to the platform.
request_id Yes String The unique identifier of a specified request. We recommend that the request identifier be generated with the UUID algorithm.
param Yes Object The array of objects.
param.cid Yes String The ID of a specified third-party device, to be defined by the device. It can be a unique readable identifier of the device, such as device SN or IMEI.
param.status Yes Bool The device status. true means online and false means offline.
Sample of uplink parameters
Topic: gateway_id/{gateway_id}/devices/status
Data format:
  "param": [{
    "cid": "92dda538fc2e6***",
    "cid": "da538fc2eb***",

Sample application

To help you make API requests, we provide development samples for Java, PHP, and Go, and demonstrate basic features such as service connection, verification, encryption and decryption of sensitive information, and message subscription. Development libraries for more languages will be available in the near future.


Add the dependency definitions shown below to the Maven POM file.

// Message publishing
public class Publish {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String clientId = "";         // The gatewayID that identifies the third-party manufacturer
        String topic = "";            // The topic
        String content = "";         // The content
        int qos = 1;                 //  The QoS
        String broker = "";          // The IP address of the server
        String userName = "";        // The username, to be provided by Tuya
        String password = "";        // The password. See password generation rules.
        // The memory
        MemoryPersistence persistence = new MemoryPersistence();

        try {
            // Create a client
            MqttClient sampleClient = new MqttClient(broker, clientId, persistence);
            // Create link parameters
            MqttConnectOptions connOpts = new MqttConnectOptions();
            // Remember state on reboot and reconnection
            // Set a username used for connection
            // Establish a connection
            // Create a message
            MqttMessage message = new MqttMessage(content.getBytes());
            // Set the message QoS
            // Publish the message
            sampleClient.publish(topic, message);
            // Close a connection
            // Close the client
        } catch (MqttException me) {
            System.out.println("reason " + me.getReasonCode());
            System.out.println("msg " + me.getMessage());
            System.out.println("loc " + me.getLocalizedMessage());
            System.out.println("cause " + me.getCause());
            System.out.println("excep " + me);
// Message subscription
public class Subscribe {

        public static void main(String[] args) throws MqttException {  
        String clientId = "";                     // The gatewayID that identifies the third-party manufacturer
        String host = "";                      // The IP address of the server
        String topic = "gateway/in/" + clientId;  // The topic
        int qos = 1;                              //  The QoS
        String userName = "";                     // The username, to be provided by Tuya
        String password = "";                     // The password. See password generation rules.
        try {
            // In MemoryPersistence, set where to save the clientid. The clientid is saved in the memory by default.
            MqttClient client = new MqttClient(host, clientid, new MemoryPersistence());
            // Set the MQTT connection
            MqttConnectOptions options = new MqttConnectOptions();
            // Set whether to clear the session. `false` means that the server will keep the connection record of the client, and `true` means that a new identity is used every time the client connects to the server.
            // Set a username used for connection
            // Set a password used for connection
            // Set a timeout value in seconds
            // Set a session heartbeat interval in seconds
            // Set a callback function
            client.setCallback(new MqttCallback() {

                public void connectionLost(Throwable cause) {

                public void messageArrived(String topic, MqttMessage message) throws Exception {
                  	// Message processing
                    System.out.println("message content:"+new String(message.getPayload()));

                public void deliveryComplete(IMqttDeliveryToken token) {


            // Subscribe to the message
            client.subscribe(topic, qos);
        } catch (Exception e) {


package main

import (
	mqtt ""

const broker = ""                  // The IP address of the server. Contact Tuya's administrator.
const username = ""               // The username, to be provided by Tuya.
const password = ""               // The password. See password generation rules.
const clientID = ""               // The gatewayID, the gateway ID of the third-party manufacturer.
const topic = ""                 // The topic
const port = "21883"            // The port number of the server

// Message subscription topic = "gateway/in/" + clientID
// Message publishing topic = "gateway/out/" + clientID

var f mqtt.MessageHandler = func(client mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) {
	fmt.Printf("TOPIC: %s\n", msg.Topic())
	fmt.Printf("MSG: %s\n", msg.Payload())

func main() {
	mqtt.DEBUG = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
	mqtt.ERROR = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
	opts := mqtt.NewClientOptions().AddBroker(fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:%s", broker, port)).SetClientID(clientID).
	opts.SetKeepAlive(60 * time.Second)
	// Set a message callback function
	opts.SetPingTimeout(1 * time.Second)
	c := mqtt.NewClient(opts)
    if token := c.Connect(); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
    // Subscribe to the topic
    if token := c.Subscribe(topic, 0, nil); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
    // Publish the message
	token := c.Publish(topic, 0, false, "Hello World")
	time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
    // Unsubscribe from the topic
    if token := c.Unsubscribe(topic); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
    // Close a connection
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)


Send a message:

require("");                                // Import mqtt class file.
$server    = '';                            // The IP address of the server. Contact Tuya's administrator.
$port      = 21883;                         // The port number of the server.
$username  = '';                             // The username, to be provided by Tuya.
$password  = '';                             // The password. See password generation rules.
$client_id = ''                             // The gatewayID that identifies the third-party manufacturer.

$mqtt = new Bluerhinos\phpMQTT($server, $port, $client_id); // Instantiate the MQTT class

if ($mqtt->connect(true, NULL, $username, $password))       // Establish a connection
    $topic = 'gateway/out/'.$client_id;	 	   // The topic
    $key =  ''      // The encryption key, which is the password used for connection authentication
    $msg = '';     // The message in the above-mentioned format
    // qos = 0: Send only once, regardless of whether it is received or not
    // qos = 1: Keep sending a message if no result is returned, and a duplicate message might be received
    // qos = 2: Make sure the message must be received and not repeated
    $mqtt->publish($topic, $msg, 0);// Send the data
    $mqtt->close();                  // Close a connection
    echo "Time out!\n";

Subscribe to a message

require("");                                // Import mqtt class file.
$server    = '';                            // The IP address of the server. Contact Tuya's administrator.
$port      = 21883;                         // The port number of the server.
$username  = '';                             // The username, to be provided by Tuya.
$password  = '';                             // The password. See password generation rules.
$client_id = ''                             // The gatewayID that identifies the third-party manufacturer.

$mqtt = new Bluerhinos\phpMQTT($server, $port, $client_id);

$mqtt->debug = true;
if(!$mqtt->connect(true, NULL, $username, $password))
    echo "Connection failed!\n";
$topic = 'gateway/in/'.$client_id;          //  The topic
// Subscription list
$topics = [
    $topic => ['qos' => 0, 'function' => 'procmsg'],

$mqtt->subscribe($topics, 0);

while ($mqtt->proc()){}


function procmsg($topic, $msg)      // Message processing function
    $key =  ''                              
  	echo $msg;

Global error codes

If errors occur when you make API requests, custom error messages will be returned. This section describes the global error codes.

Error code Error message Description
400 tedge error: uplink specific error message The uplink error to be defined by the uplink service.
500 system error, please contact the admin A system error occurs while processing your request. Contact your administrator.
1001 request time is invalid The request time is invalid.
1100 params is empty The parameter is empty.
1101 params range invalid The parameter range is invalid.
1102 params is null The parameter is null.
1103 params type is incorrect The parameter type is incorrect.
1104 request pid is invalid The PID is invalid.
1105 id does not exist in pid The data point ID does not exist in the PID.
2001 device is offline The device is offline.
2002 command or value not support The command or value is not supported.
2003 device not exist The device does not exist.