Manage Authorization

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 08:24:04download

You can create multiple authorizations for a cloud project, get the authorization key, and thus build a multi-dimensional authorization system.


  1. Visit My Cloud Projects.

  2. Click the target project.

  3. Click the Authorization tab.

    Manage Authorization

Cloud authorization

After a cloud project is created, Tuya Developer Platform generates a pair of authorization keys (client ID/client secret) for the project. You can use both keys to connect your cloud with the platform.

  • View the authorization key: In the Authorization Key section, you can view the key information of the project, including the client ID and client secret.

  • Edit information: You can click Edit to modify the Authorization Name and Description fields.

    Manage Authorization

    Manage Authorization

After you select a cloud project, the cloud project and its authorization information will be displayed on the Cloud Authorization tab. You cannot click Add Authorization on this page.

App authorization

Add app authorization

  1. Visit My Cloud Projects.

  2. Click the target project.

  3. Choose Authorization > App Authorization.

  4. On the App Authorization page, click Add Authorization.

    Manage Authorization

  5. In the Add Authorization dialog box, complete the required information. The apps for iOS and Android are supported.

    • iOS
      Manage Authorization
    • Android
      Manage Authorization
  6. Click OK.

View the app authorization

  • View the authorization key: In the Authorization Key section, you can view the key information of the app, including the client ID and client secret.

  • Edit information: You can click Edit to modify the following information:

    • iOS: Bundle Identifier, Application Name, and Description.
    • Android: SHA1, Application ID, Application Name, and Description.

WeChat mini program authorization

Add WeChat mini program authorization

  1. Visit My Cloud Projects.

  2. Click the target project.

  3. Choose Authorization > WeChat Mini Program Authorization.

  4. On the WeChat Mini Program Authorization page, click Add Authorization.

    Manage Authorization

  5. In the Add Authorization dialog box, complete the required information and click OK.

    Manage Authorization

Third-party authorization

Add third-party authorization

  1. Visit My Cloud Projects.

  2. Click the target project.

  3. Choose Authorization > Third-Party Authorization.

  4. In the Third-Party Authorization page, click Add Authorization.

    Manage Authorization

  5. In the Add Authorization to Third-Party Project dialog box, complete the required information and click OK.

    Manage Authorization

Currently, an added authorization cannot be deleted.