Mobile Push Service

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 07:18:52download

Mobile push service enables developers to edit and send push notifications to all Tuya-powered apps and reach global users worldwide at any time.


  • Tuya App Ecosystem: Push notifications can engage users of Tuya-powered apps, including OEM apps, and apps built on Smart App SDK.

  • Integrated Cloud Services
    Based on Tuya Developer Platform, a simple API call can trigger push notifications to target groups or specific users under your IoT account.

  • Decouple Service: Decouple and modernize the mobile push service from applications, allows developers easily to develop, deploy services based on demands.

  • Advanced Technology: Share the same mobile push capabilities with Tuya-powered apps and benefit from the high delivery rate and precise push notifications.

Technical Architecture

Mobile Push Service

Application Scenarios

  • Event Notification: Drive user retention with event notifications to selected target audiences to achieve efficient user conversion.

  • System Notification: Send instant alerts notifying users of any system changes or user information updates, securely protect user privacy.

  • Product Recommendation: Tailored product promotion and marketing messages help to boost marketing ROI.

  • Personalized Subscription: Deliver high-quality recommendations that respond to user preferences and trending topics.

API list

Various APIs are provided to assist you in achieving Mobile Push Service.