Short Message Subscription and Template

Last Updated on : 2021-08-23 06:56:05download

Tuya Short Message Service (SMS) is a messaging service between applications and users. With the help of the Tuya IoT Platform, Tuya provides SMS services to users around the world, with ultra-low latency and second-level reach. Users can flexibly purchase services of different magnitudes according to their usage. The system is billed according to the actual number of SMS messages sent successfully and returns the quota of failed messages to users.


Subscribe to the SMS service on the Tuya IoT Platform.


  1. Log in to the Tuya IoT Platform.
  2. Click Cloud in the left-side navigation bar.
  3. Go to Projects > API Products page and click All Products.
  4. On the All Products page, find Short Message Service, click and enter the SMS service page.
    Short Message Subscription and Template
  5. Click Subscribe.
    Short Message Subscription and Template
  6. Select Trial Version on the value-added service (VAS) page, choose whether you need an invoice, and click Buy now.
    Short Message Subscription and Template

Note: With the current trial version of the SMS service, you cannot configure the SMS signatures. The Smart Life signature will be used uniformly.

Template configuration

  1. After you subscribe to the API service, please authorize the API to the specified project and allow the project to call this service. For the authorization process, see Authorize project to call APIs.
  2. You can refer to Add a short message service (SMS) message template and call the API to configure the SMS template. Also, you can use the API debugging assistant of the Tuya IoT Platform to quickly configure the SMS template. On the SMS service product page, select API List > Add a short message service (SMS) message template > Debug.
    Short Message Subscription and Template
  3. On the API debugging page, select Add SMS Template on the far left of the page.
    Short Message Subscription and Template

    Note: On the current debugging page, confirm that the API projects, services, and data centers are correct.

  4. Enter the corresponding content, and initiate a call.
  5. After the call, the returned content will contain the template ID, indicating that the SMS template content has been submitted for review. Tuya will review the content of the SMS to ensure the legality of the content, and complete the review within two working days. You can query the review status through the Query the details of the SMS template interface.