Device Schedule

Last Updated on : 2024-07-15 08:34:20

This topic describes the common questions about the device schedule feature to help you troubleshoot problems.

How many states does a schedule have?

After users create schedules using the mobile app, the cloud will notify the device to pull the schedule. The device will run the scheduled task at the specified time and date. There are three possible states for a schedule:

  • Valid: The schedule will be run as expected.
  • Turned off: The schedule is turned off manually on the mobile app or has already been run.
  • Invalid: The schedule is deleted on the mobile app.

How many schedules can be created?

Typically, up to 30 schedules can be created due to constraints in memory on the device. For example, you can create a total of 30 schedules for a 6-outlet power strip instead of 30 schedules for each outlet.

Why does a schedule fail?

  1. Check for the normal operation of the hardware.
  2. Check if you have created more than 30 schedules.
  3. Check for the network connection.
  4. Check if the device’s system time is in sync with the server time.
  5. Check if the daylight saving time (DST) is being applied in the current time zone. If so, scheduled tasks are run either an hour earlier or later than expected.

Will the data point (DP) schedule conflict with the device schedule?

They do not conflict with each other.

Why is there always an offset between the execution time and my local time?

Check if the time offset is the same for all scheduled tasks. For example, you schedule a task to be run at 08:00, but the actual execution time is 12:00. Then, the possible cause could be the wrong time zone setting.

The time zone used for scheduling tasks can be the phone’s time zone or the device’s local time zone. The device’s time zone is set to the time zone on your mobile phone during device pairing by default. When you schedule a task, the device’s time zone takes precedence over the phone’s time zone. If the device’s local time zone is not specified, the time zone of the country or region of the app account takes precedence over the phone’s time zone.

Can a schedule be run if the device goes offline?

If the schedule has been downloaded and stored on the device, it can be run as expected. Otherwise, it cannot be run.

Why is my device automatically turned off after it is turned on as per the schedule?

How can I automate device on-off by using schedules?

For more information, see How to set a timer/schedule to manage the device?

Why is a schedule run repeatedly?

Assume that a task scheduled to be run at 10:30 is created at 10:20. At 10:30 when this task is run, you create a new task to be run at 10:32. This will cause the task that has been run at 10:30 to be repeated.

  1. After a schedule is created on the app, the cloud will notify the device to download and store the schedule data to local storage.
  2. After the task was run, its copy on the local device will be deleted.
  3. However, the data in the cloud will not be deleted immediately but a while after the task was run. After the new task is created, the server will notify the device to pull data. However, due to the time gap, the schedule list that is synced with the device includes the previous 10:30 task, so the same task is run again.

After power on again, can the device run a schedule without internet?

Without internet access, a task cannot be run unless the device has a built-in real-time clock (RTC). This is because the device must be connected to the network to sync time with the server after it is powered on so that the task can be run as expected.

Can the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth combo device run a schedule if only Bluetooth is turned on?

Typically, this is not feasible because the device must pull the schedule data from the cloud over HTTP to run a task, which cannot be implemented with only Bluetooth enabled. But the SDK later than TUYA_SDK_2.3.2 supports Bluetooth-based schedules.