Child Lock

Last Updated on : 2024-07-15 08:34:20download

This topic describes the common questions about the child lock feature to help you troubleshoot problems.

The FAQs in this topic only apply to devices developed with the no-code solution provided by the Tuya Developer Platform.

Why is the device turned on with the child lock released?

By default, the child lock is in the released state after the device is powered on. The child lock setting is stored in the volatile memory so it is not retained after power is removed.

Why can’t the child lock be auto locked after it has been released by physical buttons?

This is the default configuration. If you want to implement the auto-lock feature, submit a service ticket and consult about feasible solutions.

What is the difference between local unlocking and remote unlocking?

Local unlocking means you press specific physical buttons on the device to release the child lock.

Remote unlocking means you release the child lock by using the app. Generally, both unlocking methods work the same way.

The locking operation can only be done by using the app.

If your product supports auto-locking, local unlocking only releases the child lock for a while.

How can I perform local unlocking?

Four consecutive presses of the specific button within five seconds can release the child lock.

Generally, both unlocking methods work the same way. If your product supports auto-locking, local unlocking only releases the child lock for a while.