OEM App Update

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 01:30:37download

Tuya provides a new version of the OEM app update package. You can update and iterate the app version and functions with simple operations, so that your app can continue to be competitive.

After subscribing to this service, you can refer to Update App Version on Tuya Developer Platform and create a version. For more information, see the details page of OEM App Update.

Subscribe to the service

  1. Visit Tuya’s value-added services website. If you already have an account, click Log In in the top right corner to log in with your account. If you do not have an account, register one and log in.

    OEM App Update
  2. On the top of the Value-added Services page, choose Categories > App Service, and select OEM App Update. Click Subscribe.

    OEM App Update
  3. In the Application Object field, select your desired app. Select the currency and click Buy Now.

    OEM App Update
  4. Navigate to the payment page and complete the payment.


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