Apply for Google Map Android API Key

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 09:54:33download

This topic introduces how to apply Maps SDK for Android in the Google Cloud Platform.


  1. Login to Google Maps Platform, Click “GET STARTED”.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

  2. If you have never created a project under your account, you will be automatically redirected to the Create Project page. As shown in the figure, “Project Name” will have a system-generated default value. To distinguish it from other projects in the future, change it to your App Name and click the “CREATE” button.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

    If you have already created other projects under your account, click the project name in the top bar, and click the “NEW PROJECT” button in the upper right corner of the “Select Project” dialog that pops up to jump to the project creation page.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

  3. Make sure that the top bar shows the name of the project you just created, if not, switch to the project you just created and select “Maps SDK for Android”.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

  4. Click “ENABLE” button.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

  5. Open the “Credentials” page, click the “CREATE CREDENTIALS” button, and select “API key”.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

  6. The API key is created successfully, but it is not finished yet, continue to click the “RESTRICT KEY” button.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

  7. In “Key restrictions - Application restrictions”, select “Android apps” and then click the “ADD AN ITEM” button under “Restrict usage to your Android apps”.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

  8. In “New item”, fill in “Package name” and “SHA-1 certificate fingerprint”, click “DONE” button, and then click “SAVE” button at the bottom of the page.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

    How do I obtain the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint?
    Login to Tuya Developer Platform, select “App - Required Setting” in the menu on the left side of the page, click “Map for Android” tab, and then Click on “Get SHA-1”.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

    In the pop-up dialog, just copy the certificate fingerprint.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

  9. The operation is now complete, click Copy API key.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key

  10. Paste the copied Google Maps API key into the “Google Maps Key” input box on the Tuya Developer Platform and click the “Save” button at the bottom and you are done.
    Apply for Google Map Android API Key