Flash Full Firmware

Last Updated on : 2023-12-01 06:45:35download

This topic describes how to flash the THP10-Z-X board with the full firmware. Log in to the THP10-Z-X backend using a serial port and then proceed with the flashing process. For more information, see Log in via Serial Port.

Back up data

To flash the firmware to the board, the flash memory is completely erased and written with the 128 MB QIO binary. Therefore, you need to back up the authorization information on the board and restore it after the firmware is flashed.

Back up authorization information

  1. Run nvram show and copy the output to your computer.

    Back up the following information:


    Back up information about the Matter protocol.

    matterDacCrt-x     # Device Attestation Certificate (DAC) packet fragmentation.
    matterDacCrt       # The total number of DAC fragments.
    matterPaiCrt-x     # Product Attestation Intermediate Certificate (PAI) packet fragmentation.
    matterPaiCrt       # The total number of PAI fragments.
    matterResource-x   # Resource (including discriminator and passcode) packet fragmentation.
    matterResource     # The total number of resource fragments.
    matterPrivateKey-x # PrivateKey packet fragmentation.
    matterPrivateKey   # The total number of PrivateKey fragments.
    matterPubKey-x     # PublicKey packet fragmentation.
    matterPubKey       # The total number of PublicKey fragments.
  2. After the firmware is flashed, run nvram set <key> <value> to write the authorization information to the NVRAM.

  3. Then, run nvram commit to write to the flash memory.

Enter U-Boot mode

U-Boot is disabled by default. Log in to the development board backend and enable U-Boot.

Run nvram set persist.uboot.enter on && nvram commit and restart the device. During restart, press and hold the Enter key to go into the U-Boot mode.

Flash Full Firmware

Flash firmware

  1. In the terminal, set the serverip (the IP address of your computer) and ipaddr (the IP address of your device, defaulting to Run pri to view IP addresses.

  2. After you set setenv serverip xxxx and setenv ipaddr xxxx and connect an Ethernet cable to the device, enter ping. If ping xxxxx (your serverip) is alive, it means the network works fine.

  3. Place demo_fw_QIO_<version number>.bin to the TFTP Server directory. Be sure you have enabled the Server service for TFTP and configure the IP address of your computer in the TFTP Setting.

    Flash Full Firmware
  4. In the terminal, enter tftp 0x21000000 demo_fw_QIO_<version number>.bin to upload the file. Be sure the file is successfully uploaded.

    Flash Full Firmware
  5. In the terminal, enter nand erase.chip.

  6. In the terminal, enter nand write 0x21000000 0x0 ${filesize}.

  7. Power off and on the gateway, or enter res in the terminal to restart the gateway.

    Flash Full Firmware

The flashing process might take a while. After firmware is flashed, restart the device.

Restore data

After you restart the device on successful flashing, you can restore data by writing the backup data to the flash memory.


# nvram set country CN
# nvram set AUTHKEY h8eHMxNGVCUxzsKLCd2cmgAgFwI6OUaY
# nvram set slave_mac1 105a17f3cc2b
# nvram set bsn JDCJ30UTU00009
# nvram set master_mac 105a17f3cbf2
# nvram set UUID 1420ee8d85e3a146
# nvram commit