Basic Map

Last Updated on : 2024-06-19 08:31:33download


A basic map component displays geographic data by combining two-dimensional outline maps and online map services. You can edit map styles based on geographic information sub-components such as basemap, scatter, and flight layers. Meanwhile, this component supports map interaction modes such as hovering, dragging, single-clicking to drill down, and double-clicking to focus.

Default style

Basic Map

Component structure

A basic map is composed of a parent component and sub-components. The rendering of the sub-component is overlaid on the parent component. You can define the configuration items depending on actual scenarios.

Basic Map

Structure diagram

Basic Map

Sub-component diagram

Component configuration

Parent component style

In the Style tab, you can set up component attributes, basic settings, map styles, and interaction settings.


Item Description
  • X: the X-coordinate of the component in the canvas.
  • Y: the Y-coordinate of the component in the canvas.
  • W: the width of the component.
  • H: the height of the component.

Basic Map

Attribute panel

Basic Map

Diagram of position and size

Basic configuration

Item Description
Map extent Data can be retrieved at four levels, including China, province, city, and district.
Map center The latitude and longitude of the center within the visible range on the initial map.
Zoom level The size of the initial map.

Map style

Item Description
Fill color Set the map color, including solid color and linear gradient color. You can set the overall transparency if a solid color is selected and adjusts the gradient angle if a linear gradient color is selected.
Stroke Set the stroke width and color for each area.
Shadow Set the shadow parameters of the overall map.

Basemap sub-component style

The online tile map is displayed at the bottom of the map layer by default after being added. You can choose from multiple styles, and customize your favorite style.

Basic settings

Item Description
Style You can choose from 11 styles.
Style—custom Make API calls to request AutoNavi custom map styles, and configure the key and style ID in the AutoNavi custom map application.

Scatter sub-component style

It is used to represent dots on a map. You can set the dot styles for different data types.

Scatter type

Item Description
General dot The returned location information is displayed on the map.
Dot with variable size The returned location information is displayed on the map. The dot size dynamically changes with the data.
Custom With the variant of a general dot, you can customize image uploading and set personalized dot icons.

General dot—scatter style

Item Description
Dot radius Set the dot radius. Unit: pixels.
Stroke width Set the stroke width of a dot.
Color attribute
  • Solid: All dots are in the same solid color.
  • Multi-color: Set different colors to represent data types.
  • Normal.
  • Brightened: The overlapping parts of the scatter will be brightened.

Basic Map

Diagram of multi-color panel

Basic Map


Dot with variable size—scatter style

Item Description
Dot radius Set the minimum and maximum radius of a dot, corresponding to the minimum and maximum value in the data. Unit: pixels.
Stroke width Set the stroke width of a dot.
Color attribute
  • Solid: All dots are in the same solid color.
  • Multi-color: Set different colors to represent data types.
  • Normal.
  • Brightened: The overlapping parts of the scatter will be brightened.

Basic Map


Custom—scatter style

Item Description
Image size Set the image size. Unit: px.
  • Normal.
  • Brightened: The overlapping parts of the scatter will be brightened.

Flight sub-component style

Flight is used to represent the relationship and connection of two geographical things, or population migration, logistics origin and destination, and more.

Flight style

Item Description
Flight length Set the total length of a flight. Unit: meter.
Flight width Set the width of a flight. Unit: meter.
Relative height Set the height of the midpoint on a flight. Unit: meter.
Color attribute
  • Start color: The color of the start point on a flight.
  • End color: The color of the end point on a flight. On the whole, the color gradually changes from the start color to the end color.

Animation settings

Set the flying speed of a flight.

Data configuration

Scatter map

Component data format—scatter

Field Description
lng Short for longitude.
lat Short for latitude.
type The type.
value The value.

Sample data

    "value": 77,
    "type": "Type 3",
    "lng": 109.883809,
    "lat": 29.08545
    "value": 42,
    "type": "Type 1",
    "lng": 105.134251,
    "lat": 30.452189
    "value": 16,
    "type": "Type 7",
    "lng": 104.923959,
    "lat": 26.052122

Flight map

Component data format—flight

Field Description
fromLng The longitude of the start point.
fromLat The latitude of the start point.
toLng The longitude of the end point.
toLat The latitude of the end point.
type The type.

Sample data

    "type": "Outflow",
    "fromLng": 116.419371,
    "fromLat": 39.91347,
    "toLng": 86.095104,
    "toLat": 39.81725
    "type": "Outflow",
    "fromLng": 116.419371,
    "fromLat": 39.91347,
    "toLng": 85.153658,
    "toLat": 33.864962
    "type": "Outflow",
    "fromLng": 116.419371,
    "fromLat": 39.91347,
    "toLng": 121.856834,
    "toLat": 39.22046

Data configuration items

Item Description
Data source Select a data source.
Scheduled refresh Set the time interval of data requests.