Canvas Editor

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:19:54download

Save thumbnail

After editing the screen, you can click the Save Thumbnail icon to save the thumbnail. The last saved thumbnail will be displayed on the screen list page.

Canvas Editor

Canvas Editor

Show/hide guides

On the screen editing page, click the Show/Hide Guides icon to show the guides, and click it again to hide the guides.
You can set the color of the guides.

Canvas Editor

Show/hide grid

On the screen editing page, click the Show/Hide Grid icon to show the grid, and click it again to hide the grid.

Canvas Editor

Horizontal alignment

On the screen editing page, select a component and set the horizontal alignment. You can set left alignment, horizontal center, and right alignment.

Canvas Editor

Vertical alignment

On the screen editing page, select a component and set the vertical alignment. You can set top alignment, vertical center, and bottom alignment.

Canvas Editor

Reference line

On the screen editing page, move the pointer to the scale area, select a scale, and then click to generate a reference line. You can double-click the reference line to delete it.

Canvas Editor

Screen size

You can set the size of the canvas screen by entering the width and height.

Canvas Editor

Canvas background color

You can set the background color of the canvas screen.

Canvas Editor