
Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 05:55:51download

This topic describes the detailed billing methods for each data visualization edition.

Billing method

The subscription of the data visualization service is billed on an annual basis.


Currently, the service is available in four editions, including premium edition, professional edition, platform edition, and private cloud edition. The editions vary depending on the number of screens and templates, as well as advanced components and features. You can select your desired edition based on the required screens and features.
To purchase the desired service plan, go to Service Purchase.

Billing standard

The following table shows the billing methods of each edition.

Validity period Premium edition Professional edition Platform edition
1 year USD1,650 USD4,950 USD25,000


Module Feature Premium edition Professional edition Platform edition
Data source Static JSON files
Screen application editing Number of screens per account 5 20 100
General template
General availability
Encrypted release
Allowlist access
Settings of access validity period
Chart components General charts
Video components X
Videos uploaded by one tenant 10 200
Images uploaded by one tenant 10 50 200
Number of components of one screen 100 500 1,000
Number of favorites of one tenant 10 50 500
Interaction Event interaction
Parameter passing
Advanced features Component groups
Add favorite component group X X
IPC connectivity X X

Renewal and expiration rules

Expiration rules

  • This service will not be available after expiration. After login, you will be prompted that the service is expired.
  • After the service expires, the URLs that have been created based on the data visualization tools will be invalid. As a result, the released screens cannot be accessed.

Renewal process

  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform.
  2. Choose Data > Data Visualization.
  3. Click Subscribe Now to go to the value-added service page.
  4. On the Service Purchase page, select your desired edition and click Buy Now.
    Follow the steps to pay for the order. And then, you can get started with the data visualization service.