Quick Start

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:18:35download

Currently, data visualization has been formally released. You can purchase the specified plan and build a data visualization screen to visually present data as preferred.

How to purchase

  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform and choose Data > Data Visualization.

    Quick Start

  2. Click Subscribe Now.

    Quick Start

  3. On the page of value-added services, select the desired service and purchase the plan. After the purchase is successful, the list of screens is shown.

    Quick Start

    Quick Start

Create a visualization application

Create a screen

Create a visualization screen based on a template or a blank page in the current group, and then navigate to the editing page.

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Add components

On the editing page, add components to the canvas, and adjust their layers in the layer list.

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Configure data source and style

In a single component, add the data source of static JSON data, RestAPI, Atop, Highway, and more. Then, adjust the component style to suit its features.

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Release a screen

Configure canvas size and adaptation, return to the list page, edit the screen, and then click Release. The system generates a URL for you to view the visualization screen.

Quick Start

Quick Start

Quick Start