Screen Management

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:19:39download

Create a screen by using a template

  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform, and choose Data > Data Visualization.

  2. On the screen list page, click Create Screen.

  3. Select a template on the template list page and click Create Screen.

    Screen Management

After the screen is created, navigate to the editing page.

Create a screen by using a blank screen

  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform, and choose Data > Data Visualization.

  2. On the screen list page, click Create Screen.

  3. Select the blank screen on the template list page and click Create Screen.

    Screen Management

After the screen is created, navigate to the editing page.

Screen group

  • You can create and modify the groups on the screen list page.

    Screen Management

  • On the screen list page, select a screen, place the pointer over the head area of the screen, and click Drag Group to drag it to a group.

    Screen Management

Search for screen

Enter keywords in the search input box on the screen list page and click Search. You can find the screen that matches the keyword.

Screen Management

Sort the screens

On the screen list page, you can sort the screens by name or date in ascending or descending order.

Screen Management

Edit the screen

On the screen list page, select a screen and click Edit to navigate to the editing page.

Screen Management

Release the screen

  • On the screen list page, select a screen and click Release. You can set the access password.

    Screen Management

  • After setting the password, click Release to generate a URL for accessing the screen. You can copy the URL.

    Screen Management

  • If the Atop or Highway interface is used in the screen, the access password is not required. A user must log in to the IoT account when accessing the screen URL.

    Screen Management

Copy the screen

On the screen list page, select a screen and click Copy to generate a copy of the screen.

Screen Management

Preview the screen

On the screen list page or editing page, you can click Preview to preview the screen.

Screen Management

Screen Management

Delete the screen

On the screen list page, select a screen and click Delete to delete it. This action cannot be undone.

Screen Management

Rename the screen

On the screen list page, select a screen and rename it.

Screen Management