API Explorer

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 07:55:53download

You can check API calls and troubleshoot issues with API Explorer.

Note: Exercise caution when debugging APIs, because the platform uses the authorization key (access ID and access secret) of the current project to get a temporary token and make an API call to online resources.


You have got access to APIs. For more information, see Manage API Services.


  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform.

  2. Choose Cloud > API Explorer.

  3. On the API Explorer page, you can make an API call.

    1. Select a project.

    2. Select an API service.

    3. Select an endpoint. For more information, see Endpoints.

    4. Select an API operation.

      Note: Click the View Docs tab to view the parameter description.

    5. Configure API parameters.

    6. Click Submit Request.

      API Explorer
  4. Click the Debugging Result tab to view the request URL and response.

    API Explorer

Next steps

If an error message is returned, you can check Global Error Codes or submit a technical ticket to troubleshoot the error.