User Devices

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:36:15download

App user devices can reveal the growth of devices bound with apps, active devices, and relevant data. You can fast categorize the product distribution of app-bound devices, as well as the scene linkage of categories and products, and quickly discover the actual use cases of the devices.

User Devices

Term Description
Today’s activated devices The number of devices that are bound with the app through pairing for the first time under the current account today.
Activated devices in the last 7 days The number of activated devices in the last 7 days (excluding today).
Activated devices in the previous 7 days The number of activated devices within the 7-day period before the last 7 days (excluding today).
Today’s active devices The deduplicated number of devices that are active during a statistical period. A device is considered active when it has had effective interaction with the cloud.
Active devices in the last 7 days The deduplicated number of active devices in the last 7 days (excluding today).
Active Devices in the previous 7 days The deduplicated number of active devices within the 7-day period before the last 7 days (excluding today).
Total activated devices The number of devices that have been first bound with the app through pairing under the current account.
Total products The total number of products corresponding to all devices bound with the app.

Device trend

User Devices

  • Activated devices: the number of devices that are bound with the app through pairing for the first time under the current account during the statistical period.
  • Active devices: the deduplicated number of devices that are active during a statistical period. A device is considered active when it has effective interaction with the cloud.

Product distribution

User Devices

Click a specified category to view the data, and click the dot in the center to go back to the previous level.

User Devices

Category linkage analytics

Linkage analytics of level-1 category

User Devices

The number of scene linkages across level-1 categories: A linkage is that multiple device actions are triggered at the same time in a scene during the statistical period. This indicator shows the number of linkages across level-1 categories. For example, the number of linkages between lighting devices and electrical devices.

Scene linkage analytics for products

Scene linkage analytics for a product

User Devices

The number of scene linkages for a product: A linkage is that multiple device actions are triggered at the same time in a scene during the statistical period. This indicator shows the number of linkages between a product and other devices of the level-2 category. For example, the number of linkages between a special socket (product name) and the desk lamp (level-2 category).