App Functions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:35:50download

Analyze the use of app functions, know more about users’ preferences, and assist operations based on the users’ device functions, scenes, homes, rooms, groups, and other functions.

Note: Learn more from the system prompts and subscribe to the required value-added service to use this feature.

Users who control device on app
Users mainly control the devices on an IoT-enabled app. Based on the data of users who control devices on the app, you can get to know the active scale and trend of core users.

App Functions


  • App-to-device interactions: the number of times the user sends instructions to devices through the app. Control modes: tap the control button, and run tap-to-run or automation scenes.
  • Users who control device on app: the number of users who control devices on the app. Control modes: tap the control button, and run tap-to-run or automation scenes.

Device categories controlled on app
Through control modes, controlled device categories, and controlled products, you can analyze user preferences in multiple dimensions and assist app operations. For example, recommend filter consumables for people who use air purifiers.

App Functions

App Functions

Feature usage analytics

App Functions

  • New scenes: the number of scenes created by users during a statistical period.

  • Tap-to-run scenes: the number of tap-to-run scenes created by users during a statistical period.

  • Automation scenes: the number of automation scenes created by users during a statistical period.

  • Deleted scenes: the number of scenes deleted by users during a statistical period.

  • Tap-to-run scenes: the number of tap-to-run scenes deleted by users during a statistical period.

  • Automation scenes: the number of automation scenes deleted by users during a statistical period.

  • Calculate net growth in the following way: Net growth = New scenes - Deleted scenes.

Usage of home and room functions on the app: Grasp the trend of users using the home and room functions on the app within a specified time period. It covers different dimensions such as growth, deletion, net growth, and shared homes.
App Functions

  • Homes: the number of homes created by users during a statistical period.
  • Rooms: the number of rooms created by users during a statistical period.

Usage of group functions on the app: Grasp the trend of users using the group functions on the app within a specified time period.

App Functions

  • New groups: the number of groups created by users during a statistical period.
  • Deleted groups: the number of groups deleted by users during a statistical period.
  • Calculate net growth of groups in the following way: Net growth = New groups - Deleted groups.
  • Shared groups: the number of groups actively shared by the user under the account during a statistical period. If a group is shared by one user to multiple users, each sharing is counted.