New User Analytics

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:35:59download

This topic describes how to perform new user analytics. Thanks to the user conversion data regarding creating users, adding devices, and using devices, you can assess the churn situation and stage, assist operations personnel in formulating user retention strategies, and assist developers in optimizing products.

Data trend of new users

New User Analytics


  • New users: the number of newly registered users of the app within a statistical period.
  • Users who add the first device: the number of users who add a device through pairing or sharing for the first time within a statistical period.
  • Users who first use devices: the number of users who send device control commands on the app for the first time after the device is added within a statistical period.

Conversion analytics of new users

New User Analytics

New User Analytics

Note: The data in this section is T+2 data, and you can only view the data of the day before yesterday and earlier.

Get to know the churn and conversion time of new users to help determine the best time for the operations personnel to intervene. For example, perform pertinent operations by emails or push notifications at the stage and time when users are susceptible to churn.
Conversion funnel of new users: the conversion of new users from adding devices to using devices within 24 hours.


  • Conversion of adding devices: the number of new users who have added a device within 24 hours after registration or login as a guest.
  • Conversion of using devices: the number of new users who have controlled a device through the app within 24 hours after registration or login as a visitor.
  • Percentage of new users adding devices = Number of users who add a device within 24 hours after the account is created ÷ Number of new users.
  • Percentage of new users using devices = Number of users who use a device within 24 hours after the account is created ÷ Number of users who add a device within 24 hours after the account is created.