User Distribution

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:32:48download

User distribution provides online smart analytics and growth tracking of users. The analytics of user data at different stages allows you to have a comprehensive grasp of the distribution of app users and make accurate decisions on user operations.

Note: Learn more from the system prompts and subscribe to the required value-added service to use this feature.

Lifecycle overview

Regarding user behaviors, this feature covers the four stages throughout the lifecycles of user operations, including the novice stage, growth stage, silence stage, and churn stage. This helps you quickly understand the distribution of users in different stages of the app.

User Distribution

  • Users at novice stage: the number of users who have downloaded the app but not added a device yet as of the statistical day.
  • Users at growth stage: the result of the total users subtracting novice users, silence users, and churn users as of the statistical day.
  • Users at sience stage: the number of users who have added one or more devices but have not used them for more than 7 days and less than 30 days (7 < X ≤ 30) as of the statistical day.
  • Users at churn stage: the number of users who have added one or more devices but have not used them for more than 30 days (X > 30) as of the statistical day.

User distribution

Based on the number of devices an app user owns or shares, we divide the users into elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. You can see the growth trend at each level, and check the voice control usage in the last 30 days by clicking on a user in the pie chart.

User Distribution

  • Elementary users: the number of users who have one device as of the statistical day, including those shared by others.

  • Intermediate users: the number of users who have two to five devices as of the statistical day, including those shared by others.

  • Advanced users: the number of users who have more than five devices as of the statistical day, including those shared by others.

  • Users using voice control (in the last 30 days): the number of users who have interacted with the cloud by voice control in the 30 days before the statistical day. You can filter the number of users according to the elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels.

  • Users not using voice control (in the last 30 days): the number of users who have never interacted with the cloud by voice control in the 30 days before the statistical day.

Active users and phone models

  • Active Data Today: It displays the distribution of user locations and app versions, facilitating marketing events for apps in different regions and maintenance of the most popular app versions.
    User Distribution

  • Active Phone Models Today: It displays the phone models used by active users. The top 19 phone models will be displayed, and the rest models are classified into others.
    User Distribution

  • Country distribution: the distribution of active users in different countries.

  • Version distribution: the distribution of active users using different versions.

  • Phone model distribution: the distribution of active users using different phone models.