
Last Updated on : 2024-06-05 03:14:32download

Dialog is a collection of a series of commonly used dialog boxes, which are accompanied by fade-in and fade-out animation effects by default. It is used to display some components similar to Native effects.

Code demo

For more information, see Dialog Demo.

Alert box

  title: "Title",
  subTitle: "Subtitle",
  confirmText: "Confirm",
  onConfirm: (data, { close }) => {

Prompt box

  title: "Title",
  subTitle: "Subtitle",
  cancelText: "Cancel",
  confirmText: "Confirm",
  onConfirm: (data, { close }) => {

Input dialog box

// Uncontrolled input box 
  title: "Uncontrolled input box",
  subTitle: "Subtitle",
  cancelText: "Cancel",
  confirmText: "Confirm",
  defaultValue: this.state.promptUnControlled,
  placeholder: "Password",
  onConfirm: (text, { close }) => {
    console.log("uncontrolled text :", text);
    this.setState({ promptUnControlled: text });
// Controlled input box
  title: "Controlled input box",
  subTitle: "Subtitle",
  cancelText: "Cancel",
  confirmText: "Confirm",
  value: this.state.promptControlled,
  placeholder: "Password",
  onChangeText: (text) => {
    // Use value props to make prompt a controlled component and control the content of its input box
    const t = +text;
    if (typeof t === "number" && ! Number.isNaN(t)) {
      return text;
  onConfirm: (text, { close }) => {
    console.log('controlled text :', text);
    this.setState({ promptControlled: text });
    if (text.length < 2) {


  title: "Required",
  cancelText: "Cancel",
  confirmText: "Confirm",
  type: "radio",
  value: this.state.checkValueRadio,
  dataSource: [
      value: "code1",
      title: "Sensor selection",
      value: "code2",
      title: "Room sensor calibration",
      value: "code3",
      title: "Floor sensor calibration",
      iconSize: 24,
      Icon: "warning",
      reverse: true,
      hideOnUnselect: true,
  onConfirm: (value, { close }) => {
    this.setState({ checkValueRadio: value });

List dialog box

A list dialog box pops up.

  title: 'This is the title',
  subTitle: 'This is the content',
  dataSource: new Array(6).fill(1).map((_, idx) => ({
  title: idx === 0 ? 'Click me to close' : `Option${idx}`,
  onPress: () => {
     idx === 0 && Dialog.close();
     console.log('Press', idx);
  cancelText: 'Cancel',
  confirmText: 'Confirm',
  onConfirm: (value, { close }) => {

Custom dialog box

A custom content dialog box pops up.

  title: "Custom",
  cancelText: "Cancel",
  confirmText: "Confirm",
  content: (
      style={{ height: 300, alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center" }}
      <Text style={{ fontSize: 32, color: "#000" }}>Custom content</Text>
  onConfirm: (value, { close }) => {

Interaction demo



Besides close, the first parameter of the Dialog API is props of the corresponding component, and the second parameter is props of Modal. For example, Dialog.someMethod(props: Object, modalProps? : Object)

Dialog general properties

Property Description Type Default value Required
style Container style. ViewPropTypes.style null No
headerStyle Header style ViewPropTypes.style null No
title Title string null Yes
titleStyle Title style Text.propTypes.style null No
titleNumberOfLines An ellipsis is shown if the title exceeds the specified number of lines number 2 Yes
subTitle Subtitle string null No
subTitleStyle Subtitle style Text.propTypes.style null No
footerWrapperStyle Footer wrapper style ViewPropTypes.style null No
cancelText Cancellation text string '' No
cancelTextStyle Cancellation text style Text.propTypes.style null No
confirmText Confirmation text string '' No
confirmTextStyle Confirmation text style Text.propTypes.style null No
onCancel Callback of clicking the cancel button function null No
onConfirm Callback of clicking the confirm button function null No
motionType Animation type string ScaleFadeIn No
motionConfig Animation configuration object null No


Alert box. The alert box only contains the confirm button, not the cancel button. alert does not contain cancel related properties, such as cancelText, cancelTextStyle, and onCancel. For other properties, see Dialog general properties.


Prompt box. The prompt box adds a cancel button on the basis of the alert box. For more information, see Dialog general properties.


Input dialog box. For more information, see Dialog general properties. Dialog.prompt inherits from TextInput, so prompt also contains TextInput Prop and the following properties:

Property Description Type Default value Required
showHelp Whether to show the help button boolean false No
onHelpPress Callback of clicking the help button () => void null No
inputWrapperStyle TextInput wrapper style ViewPropTypes.style null No
inputStyle TextInput style TextInput.propTypes.style null No


Radio button or checkbox. For more information, see Dialog general properties. In the Dialog.checkbox, each checkbox item inherits from CheckboxItem, so checkbox also contains CheckboxItem Prop and the following properties:

Property Description Type Default value Required
type Style of the checkbox radio | switch radio No
value Checkbox value. The single-selection type must be string or number, and the multiple-selection type is array. string | number | array null Yes
maxItemNum Scroll if the data source exceeds the maximum number number 5 No
dataSource Data source of the checkbox Object null No
onChange Callback of changing the checkbox value => void null No


Custom dialog box. For more information, see Dialog general properties. Dialog.custom also contains the following properties:

Property Description Type Default value Required
header Custom header ReactElement Function null
footer Custom footer ReactElement Function null
content Custom content any null Yes


Close the current dialog box.