
Last Updated on : 2024-06-05 03:14:35download


UnitText is used to show the display type text.

Code demo

import React from "react"; import { ScrollView } from "react-native"; import { UnitText } from "tuya-panel-kit"; import svgs from "tuya-panel-kit/src/components/iconfont/svg/defaultSvg"; // eslint-disable-line import svgsART from "tuya-panel-kit/src/components/iconfont/art/defaultSvg"; // eslint-disable-line import TesterTitle from "../../components/TesterTitle"; const UnitTextScene = () => { return ( <ScrollView style={{ flex: 1, marginTop: 16 }}> <TesterTitle title="Basic UnitText" /> <UnitText value="99" size={36} unit="celsius" valueColor="red" unitColor="red" /> <TesterTitle title="Customize the color of each value of UnitText" /> <UnitText value="032" size={36} unit={svgs.fahrenheit} valueColor="red" valueColors={["rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)", undefined, "blue"]} unitColor="red" /> <TesterTitle title="Basic UnitText (ART version)" /> <UnitText useART={true} value="99" size={50} unit="celsius" valueColor="red" unitColor="red" /> <TesterTitle title="Customize the color of each value of UnitText (ART version)" /> <UnitText useART={true} value="032" size={50} unit={svgsART.fahrenhei} valueColor="red" valueColors={["rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)", undefined, "blue"]} unitColor="red" /> </ScrollView> ); }; export default UnitTextScene;



The style of the outer container of the UnitText component.

Type Required Default value
ViewPropTypes.style No null


The font size of the UnitText component. size is the abbreviation of valueSize or unitSize.

  • valueSize value is the same as the size value.
  • unitSize value is one half of the size value.
Type Required Default value
number No 96


The numerical value displayed by the UnitText component.

Type Required Default value
string Yes null


The value of the numerical value in the UnitText component.

Type Required Default value
number No null


The color of the numerical value in the UnitText component.

Type Required Default value
ColorPropType No white


The color of each numerical value in the UnitText component, which can be set separately.

Type Required Default value
array No None


The setting of the unit in the UnitText component. The string of unit parameter value is the built-in SVG name. For IconFont built-in font images, see IconFont.

Type Required Default value
string No None


The size of the unit in the UnitText component.

Type Required Default value
number No null


The color of the unit in the UnitText component.

Type Required Default value
ColorPropType No white


The left padding of the unit in the UnitText component.

Type Required Default value
number No 0


The top padding of the unit in the UnitText component.

Type Required Default value
number No 0