Navigation Layout

Last Updated on : 2024-06-05 03:14:35download


NavigatorLayout is a basic layout that supports navigation routing and can easily handle switching between panel pages. Navigator used at the underlying architecture of NavigatorLayout is a component that organizes and manages the associations, nesting relationships, and transitions between multiple pages in the Tuya device control panel. For more information about Navigator, see Navigator.


The procedure to use NavigatorLayout are as follows:

  1. Write React components and inherit NavigatorLayout provided by tuya-panel-kit.
  2. Rewrite the renderScene method to render the user pages and return a valid React component.
  3. Rewrite the hookRoute method to achieve finer routing control.

Code demo

Jump between two pages

  1. First define the routing configuration, and then write the components inherited from NavigatorLayout. The code logic is as follows:

    1. Define the routing tables (routers) of the two pages, page1 and page2.

    2. Obtain the Navigator and the information about the current routing object with the renderScene method.

    3. When rendering the page, look up the corresponding page in the routing table according to the ID of the current route.

      Note: if there is no corresponding page, the default homepage will be rendered.

    import React from "react";
    import { StyleSheet } from "react-native";
    import { NavigatorLayout } from "tuya-panel-kit";
    import Page from "./page";
    import Home from "./home";
    const routers = [
        id: "page1",
        title: "page1",
        Scene: (props) => <Page {...props} num={1} />,
        id: "page2",
        title: "page2",
        Scene: (props) => <Page {...props} num={2} />,
    export default class MainLayout extends NavigatorLayout {
      // eslint-disable-next-line
      hookRoute(route) {
        const theRoute = routers.find((r) => ===;
        return {
          topbarStyle: { backgroundColor: "#ff6024" },
          showOfflineView: true,
          title: === "main" ? "Basic Jump Usage" : theRoute.title,
      renderScene(route, navigator) {
        let Scene = <Home navigator={navigator} />;
        const router = routers.find((r) => ===;
        if (router && router.Scene) {
          const Component = router.Scene;
          Scene = <Component navigator={navigator} {...route} />;
        return Scene;
  2. Create the implementation of page and home.

    • page

      // page.js
      import React from "react";
      import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from "react-native";
      import { Button } from "tuya-panel-kit";
      // eslint-disable-next-line
      export default ({ num, navigator }) => (
        <View style={[styles.container,]}>
          <Text style={styles.welcomeTxt}>This is Page {num}</Text>
          <Button style={styles.btnStyle} onPress={() => navigator.pop()}>
            <Text style={styles.navTxt}>Click to go back!</Text>
    • home

      // home.js
      import React from "react";
      import { View, StyleSheet, Text } from "react-native";
      import { Button } from "tuya-panel-kit";
      // eslint-disable-next-line
      export default ({ navigator }) => (
        <View style={[styles.container,]}>
          <Text style={styles.welcomeTxt}>
            Welcome to basic usage of NavigatorLayout
          {[1, 2].map((v) => (
              onPress={() => navigator.push({ id: `page${v}` })}
              <Text style={styles.navTxt}>Go to page {v}</Text>
  3. Achieve the jump between pages.

    • Jump to the target page: the push method of Navigator.
    • Return to a page: pop method.
  4. Run yarn start under the project directory, and enter the corresponding debugging address in the app. Then, you can view the page jump effect on the app.

Note: for the demo, see NavigatorLayout.

Navigation Layout

Custom transition animation effect

  • Default configuration of page transition animation

     const SceneConfigs = {
    gestures: {
      pop: {
  • Configuration of custom animation effect

    Configuration of custom animation can achieve the following effects:

    • Page jumps by horizontal swipe related with platforms.
    • Return to the previous page by swiping from right to left.
    import React from 'react';
    import { View, StyleSheet, Text } from 'react-native';
    import { Button } from 'tuya-panel-kit';
    import { Navigator } from 'react-native-deprecated-custom-components';
    const sceneConfig = {
      gestures: {
        pop: {
    const RouterConfig = [
        txt: `VerticalUpSwipeJump to page 1`,
        transition: {
        txt: `SwipeFromLeft to page 2`,
        transition: {
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    export default ({ navigator }) => (
      <View style={[styles.container,]}>
        <Text style={styles.welcomeTxt}>
          Screen Transition Example!
          [1, 2].map(v => (
              onPress={() => navigator.push({
                id: `page${v}`,
                sceneConfigs: RouterConfig[v 1].transition,
            ><Text style={styles.navTxt}>{RouterConfig[v 1].txt}</Text>
  • VerticalUpSwipeJump and SwipeFromLeft effect

    Navigation Layout

    Note: for more information about custom transition animation, see Scene Transitions.


renderScene(route, navigator) page rendering component

  • route: an ordinary object, which contains parameters for rendering. The parameters can be obtained by custom components for rendering. Generally, route will have at least the following parameters:
    • id: the ID of the current page.
    • title: the title of the current page displayed in the TopBar.
    • topbarStyle: the style of the TopBar on the current page. The style of topbarStyle is a JS object, and the value range is from the allowed values in React Native StyleSheet.
    • background: used to render the page background, which can be a picture or a gradient.
    • backgroundColor: background color, which can only be a valid ReactNative color value string.
    • style: FullView background style.
    • hideFullView: whether to hide FullView.
    • renderFullView: the rendering function, usually used with hideFullView to allow users to render FullView.
    • hideTopBar: whether to hide TopBar.
    • OfflineView: offline view component, used to customize the offline view. It needs to be a compatible React component.
    • showOfflineView: control whether to hide the offline view. It is usually set to false during development and debugging.
  • navigator: for more information about navigator API, see Navigator Methods.

Note: the user needs to decide which subpage to render according to the value of the route object. The return value of renderScene must be a valid React component, which will be used to render the current routed page.

hookRoute(route) modifies route parameters

hookRoute function is used to modify the parameter values used for rendering in the route. route properties are the same as the route in the renderScene. You can set your own parameters.

Definition of PropTypes passed-in properties

Note: the following is the original devInfo definition. For the convenience of developers, the devInfo in the template provided by Tuya has been optimized.

devInfo is a normal JS object, which contains a lot of device information, including but not limited to the following fields:

  • name: device name.

  • productId: product ID.

  • uiId: panel ID corresponding to the current product.

  • homeId: family ID to which the device belongs.

  • bv: hardware baseline version.

  • devId: device ID.

  • gwId: gateway ID. If it indicates the device, devId is usually equal to gwId.

  • ability: only used by Bluetooth devices. If it is a single-point Bluetooth device, the value is 5.

  • attribute: the ability mark of the product to which the device belongs. It usually indicates whether to activate certain services, such as Alexa voice control.

  • isOnline: specify whether it is online.

  • isLocalOnline: specify whether the local area network (LAN) is online.

  • isShare: specify whether to share the device.

  • isVDevice: specify whether it is a demo device.

  • networkType: the online type of the device.

  • schema: the data point (DP) definition of the product to which the device belongs. For more information about DP definition, see Terms.

  • capability: the capability type of the device, indicating the capabilities supported by the device. For example, it supports Zigbee, infrared, and Bluetooth. For more examples, see the following table.

    Type Wi-Fi Wired cable GPRS NB-IoT Bluetooth LE Bluetooth LE mesh Zigbee Infrared 433 SIG mesh
    Bit 0 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 15
    Capability 1 2 4 8 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768