Baidu DuerOS

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 09:53:44download

This topic introduces the requirements for the OEM app to connect with third-party voice speakers.

Device support

Firstly, please check the device whether support the DuerOS, as shown below, in the Product > My Products, you could confirm it.

Baidu DuerOS

If your device does not support it, you could click the Value-added Services > Smart Speaker to apply the DuerOS Access function.

Baidu DuerOS

App support

If your device supports the DuerOS, please choose it on the left side, and sign in the skill name on the right side.

If you use the official skill, the name you could sign in with the Smart Life. If you customize your own brand skill, you could sign in its name. If you have not customized this skill, please buy it in the increment service market and customize it.

Baidu DuerOS

Displayed on the mobile app

With the above steps completed, please re-build your app. After the app is finished, you could scan the QR Code on the page to download and see the effect. When the function is on, DuerOS would show more service on the app page, as shown below.

Baidu DuerOS