Marketing Tutorial

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:54:28download

Click the “Create Marketing” button, you can choose your marketing push method, currently we provide the following marketing push methods
Marketing Tutorial

Create a marketing push

Marketing Orchestration

No matter what marketing application you choose, you need to enter the following information for push scheduling
Marketing Tutorial

  • Confirm the App of the user you need to push
  • Choose the user group owned by your App, we will push the user group you choose, if you need to manage the user group under the App, you can go to it through the link
  • Enter the effective time of your push

Email Marketing

If you choose “email marketing”, you need to enter information about the content of the e-mail
Marketing Tutorial

  • Determine the subject of your email
  • Determine your email sender’s nickname
  • Enter the content of your email

App Message Push

If you choose “App message marketing”, you need to enter the relevant information of the App message
Marketing Tutorial

  • Configure the way to open the message. In addition to displaying the message in the message center, we also provide a message push for configuration
  • Enter the subject and content of the message
  • If you have completed the above creation steps, after clicking save, you can preview your marketing push

Marketing push review

If you have confirmed that the push information is correct, please submit it for review. We will confirm the review result for you within 48 hours. After the review is passed, your push will be completed within the effective time you set