Manage Virtual Devices

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 03:44:43download

Virtual devices help you to perform cloud development without an actual smart device. You can add virtual devices to quickly simulate the cloud development process.

Add devices on the Devices tab

Your account of the Smart Life app has been linked with your project. For more information, see Link Devices.

You can link virtual devices with the Smart Life app. This section takes a virtual plug as an example to describe how to add a virtual device.


  1. Visit My Cloud Projects.

  2. Select the target project and click Open Project in the Operation column.

  3. Choose Devices > All Devices.

  4. Choose Add Device > Add Virtual Device.

    Manage Virtual Devices

  5. Select a virtual device. In this example, the selected virtual plug is from Products on TuyaGo. On the Add Virtual Devices pane, click Products on TuyaGo > Electrical > Indoor Plug & Outlet > Smart Plugs > Add Virtual Devices.

    • Products on TuyaGo: All products that support virtual device functionality.

    • My Products: All the products that you have created on the Tuya Developer Platform.

      On the My Products tab page, you can find all products that you have created on the Tuya Developer Platform.

      Manage Virtual Devices

  6. Select a method to link the virtual device with the app. For example, click Add to Tuya App Account. Scan the QR code to add a virtual device. You can view and operate the added virtual device with the Smart Life app.

    Manage Virtual Devices

    You can also link virtual devices in the following ways.

    • Add to Asset
      Select the asset path to add the device.

    • Add to My App

      Add this virtual device to the test account of your developed app. And then, you can debug and control the virtual device by making API requests. The linked details are as follows:

      • Select App: Select an app that is linked with the project.
      • Account: Enter the username or UUID.
      • Home: Link this virtual device with a specific home.

Action result

You can view and operate the added virtual device with the Smart Life app.

Add devices on the Assets tab

  1. Visit My Cloud Projects.

  2. Open the Assets tab and click Add Asset. Enter the Asset Name and click OK.

    Manage Virtual Devices

  3. Click the Devices tab and choose Add Device > Add Virtual Devices for Debugging.

    Manage Virtual Devices

  4. Select a virtual device. In this example, the selected virtual plug is from Products on TuyaGo. On the Add Virtual Devices pane, click Products on TuyaGo > Electrical > Indoor Plug & Outlet > Smart Plugs > Add Virtual Devices.

    Manage Virtual Devices

Action result

After the actions, the added devices are automatically synchronized to the assets that are managed in Cloud Development. A Virtual tag appears following the device name.

Manage Virtual Devices