Paytm Payment

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 09:53:47download

Paytm is known as India’s largest mobile payment and commerce platform and has grown into the most integrated payment service provider as the financial technology trendsetter in India. Paytm offers full-stack payment and financial solutions to consumers, merchants, and online platforms. On the Tuya Developer Platform, you can set up a channel for users to pay through Paytm.

Pricing of Paytm

For more information about Paytm pricing, see Paytm Pricing.

How to set up Paytm

  1. Go to Paytm Business and register a Paytm account.

  2. After login, click Activate account for Web/App on the homepage to verify your account.

    Paytm Payment
  3. Choose Developer Settings > API Keys > Production API Details > Generate Now to get API details.

    Paytm Payment