Wi-Fi Lock Peephole Serial Protocol

Last Updated on : 2024-08-07 09:39:59download

Tuya’s Wi-Fi lock solutions keep up with the evolution of market needs. Tuya’s Wi-Fi lock solutions keep up with the evolution of market needs. A range of solutions are available to meet the specific needs of various smart locks. It includes, but is not limited to:

  • Non-keep-alive modules: WBR1 and WBR3
  • Non-keep-alive and audio and video supported modules: WBRU
  • Keep-alive and audio and video supported modules: WBRL
  • Integrated audio and video solutions: AC7916 and BK7252
  • Camera talk core board: T31

What’s in this chapter

Topics of this chapter describe the following:


Review the peephole protocols and implement the required feature for your solution.